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27 February 2015 | Анонси

Scientific and Practical Seminar "of agricultural production in a changing climate"

March 5, 2015 at the Kirovograd State Agricultural Experiment Station of the Institute of Agriculture steppe zone of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (Kirovohrad region. Kirovograd district, pp. Sozonivka Street. Central, 2) the scientific workshop "of agricultural production in terms of climate change. "The event is supported by the Department of Agricultural Development of Kirovohrad Regional State Administration and the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.

27 February 2015, 11:39 | Новини

Academician V.M. Loktev and Nobel laureate A.A. Abrikosov awarded the Gold Medal VI Vernadsky NAS of Ukraine

February 11, 2015, according to the decree of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, the Gold Medal VI Vernadsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the results of the competition in 2014 was awarded the NAS of Ukraine Vadim Mikhailovich Loktev - for outstanding achievements in physics of high-temperature superconductivity - and Professor, Nobel laureate Alexei Abrikosov Alekseevich (USA) - for outstanding achievements in physics of superconductivity.

26 February 2015 | Анонси

Ukrainian-German Forum "Education, science and innovation in universities: Current Challenges"

   Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine jointly with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany 6-7 March 2015 conducted by Ukrainian-German Forum "Education, science and innovation in universities: Current Challenges" at the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko (m. Kyiv st. Vladimir, 60).

26 February 2015 | Події

NAS of Ukraine signed a cooperation agreement with the State Space Agency of Ukraine

   February 25, 2015 during a regular meeting of the NAS of Ukraine signed an agreement on cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency (DKA) Ukraine to further deepen cooperation in research and use of outer space.
    The corresponding document was signed by President of NAS of Ukraine Borys Paton and head DKA Ukraine Oleg Uruskyi.

26 February 2015, 11:35 | Новини

Astrophysics determine the origin of the magnetic field on the solar surface

A significant part of the physical phenomena on our star depends on its covering magnetic field cycle of activity in eleven years, spots and storms on the sun, and others. New research scientists forced to look at the phenomena associated with active star zones in a new way. Now pay attention to other scientists component of the magnetic field of the Sun called "magnetic network". It covers the entire surface by passing the magnetic flux is more powerful than all put together the core.
   Involved in this research, scientists from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia also revealed that the feed network source. It turned out that the contours of the network and "supergranules" - structures associated with the flow of hot gas, are the same. The diameter of these structures formed like a rising air bubbles during boiling liquid gas reaches 20 thousand. Kilometers.

24 February 2015 | Події

Ukrainian Youth Forum "Role of young scientists in agricultural research: UKRAINE AND WORLD"

   February 20, 2015 at the National Agricultural Library science NAAS (NNSHB NAAS) All-Ukrainian Youth Forum "Role of young scientists in agricultural research: UKRAINE AND WORLD"
    He opened the Ukrainian Youth Forum Director NNSHB NAAS, Corresponding Member of NAAS Verhunov VA In his speech he highlighted current issues, which are addressing progressive young scientists.

24 February 2015, 11:56 | Новини учасників мережі

PNU Vasyl Stefanik and Rzeszow University (Poland) signed a cooperation agreement

    February 24, in the framework of the Agreement on scientific and cultural cooperation Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanik an official working visit was attended by representatives of the University of Rzeszow (Poland) - Vice-Rector Wojciech overthrow and deputy dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Wojciech Bayorek Paul Krul.
   As part of the visit met rector Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanik Igor Tsependa with Polish colleagues. The event was also attended by Vice-educational and international cooperation Vasily Marchuk, Vice-pedagogical Sergey Sharyn, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Nicholas Soya, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy Igor Goian, Transnistria, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Vladimir Pylypiv, Head Department of Theory and methods of physical culture and sports Bogdan Mytskan, employees of the University.


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