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Scientific and Practical Seminar "of agricultural production in a changing climate"

27 February 2015

   March 5, 2015 at the Kirovograd State Agricultural Experiment Station of the Institute of Agriculture steppe zone of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (Kirovohrad region. Kirovograd district, pp. Sozonivka Street. Central, 2) the scientific workshop "of agricultural production in terms of climate change. " The event is supported by the Department of Agricultural Development of Kirovohrad Regional State Administration and the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.
   Key issues to consider are planned during the seminar:
- Scientific innovation providing agricultural production in a risky agriculture;
- Agro-climatic conditions, assessment of growing crops in Kirovohrad region;
- Condition of winter crops: analysis of the situation and ways to minimize risks;
- Methodology and timing standards makeup winter wheat;
- Varietal agricultural technology - reserve capacity building performance spring grain crops in the steppe;
- Especially the use of technology bioadaptive growing corn in low moisture.
   To participate in the scientific workshop attended by representatives of regional authorities, managers and staff of the Department of Agricultural Development of the Kirovohrad Oblast State Administration district offices (offices) agroindustrial development district administrations, heads and specialists of agricultural enterprises of different ownership and scientists.
   For more information, please call:
 (0522) 315-795; (0522) 315-793

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