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24 February 2015, 11:53 | Новини учасників мережі

KNU won a grant for the implementation of another international project

    Supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Western Scientific Center of Ukraine, and more than 20 companies, Khmelnytsky National University received a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland under the "Polish Aid 2015" in conjunction with the Society Integration East Europe to create a specialized laboratory complex Studies of natural minerals.
   The strategic goal of the "Eco-innovation for business. Specialized laboratory studies of complex natural minerals "is to strengthen the market position of Ukrainian enterprises through the implementation of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies of mineral sorbents for wastewater treatment and rehabilitation of natural resources.

23 February 2015 | Анонси

The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announces tender for research projects target integrated program of fundamental research of Ukraine "Fundamental problems of new nanomaterials and nanotechnologies" in 2015-2019 years.

   Національна академія наук України оголошує конкурс наукових проектів за цільовою комплексною програмою фундаментальних досліджень НАН України «Фундаментальні проблеми створення нових наноматеріалів і нанотехнологій» на 2015-2019 рр.

   На виконання постанови Президії НАН України від 14.01.2015 №2 та відповідно до розпорядження Президії НАН України  від 25.11.2003 № 682 «Про затвердження Положення про порядок формування цільових комплексних програм наукових досліджень НАН України» оголошується конкурс на проведення наукових досліджень за цільовою комплексною програмою фундаментальних 

23 February 2015 | Анонси

Ukrainian conference "Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface" and seminar "Nanostructured biocompatible / bioactive materials"

13-15 May 2015 at the Institute of Surface Chemistry. OO Chuiko NAS Ukraine planned national conference "CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACE" dedicated to the 85th anniversary of academician AA Ukraine Chuiko and seminar "NANOSTRUCTURED biocompatible / bioactive materials."
Details of the event on the website of the Institute of Surface Chemistry. OO Chuiko NAS of Ukraine on the link

23 February 2015 | Анонси

Competition for the target complex multidisciplinary program of scientific research of Ukraine "Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture"

Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Scientific Council targeted comprehensive multidisciplinary program of scientific research of Ukraine "Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture," according to p. 8 Resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 11.02.2015 № 22 "On the Results of Special complex interdisciplinary Program for Research of NAS of Ukraine "Fundamentals of molecular and cellular biotechnology" for 2010-2014. "announces a call for research projects targeted comprehensive multidisciplinary program of scientific research of Ukraine" Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture "in 2015- 2019 (hereinafter - the Program).

23 February 2015 | Анонси

Seminar on "LED lighting. Problems. Solving. Prospects

National Foundation for Basic Research continues initiated a series of research seminars on priority topics.
The next seminar is scheduled on "LED lighting. Problems. Solving. Perspectives. "
Speaker: Victor M. Sorokin, Professor, PhD, Institute of Semiconductor Physics. VE Lashkarev NAS of Ukraine.

20 February 2015, 12:54 | Новини учасників мережі

In KhNUE held a videoconference "epistemological positioning researcher"

   February 19, 2015 at the Center for university success of Kharkiv National University of Economics held a videoconference "epistemological positioning researcher" in developing international cooperation with Francophone Institute of Administration and Management (IFAG) University Agency of La Francophonie, m. Sofia (Bulgaria).
   The moderators of the scientific coordinator of the event Francophonie in KhNUE them. S. Kuznets k.n.d.u. M. Kolesnik, Maria Niculescu, Director IFAG and Anatoly Halabov, Professor of Sociology of New Bulgarian University.

20 February 2015 | Події

ScienceLogic announced the Company of Attraction 43 million. dollars

   Company ScienceLogic, which supplies software to monitor the operating status of applications within the IT-infrasturktury attracted fresh investments worth 43 million dollars. The lead investor in the round made fund Goldman Sachs, also participated in the round NEA and Intel Capital.
   Fresh capital ScienceLogic direct marketing and sales promotion to new markets and developing new products.
ScienceLogic software company started to work in 2003. The headquarters is located in Reston ScienceLogic, Virginia. ScienceLogic - one of the fastest growing companies in the network communications - provides hardware-based solutions to support the IT infrastructure of large companies. Customer ScienceLogic includes AT & T, Cisco, Comcast, Equinix, Kellogg and SAP.
   The company announced the completion of the last round of venture volume of 15 million. Dollars in 2012.


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