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12 March 2015, 12:04 | Новини учасників мережі

Farmers, scientists created the Institute of Foreign advisors

   Presidium of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute creates foreign advisors NAAS Ukraine to attract foreign colleagues experience in the reform of Agricultural Sciences. The first witness counselor president of the Institute of the Academy of Yaroslav Hadzalo handed the head of the "German-Ukrainian Policy Dialogue" at the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting Saas Volker.

10 March 2015 | Події

Joint competition NAS of Ukraine and CNRS - PICS-2016-2018

The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NAS of Ukraine) and the National Centre for Scientific Research of France (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) on the basis of their Agreement announce a competition for joint projects PICS 2016 for financial support for basic research in the following areas of expertise :
(01) mathematics;
(02) Physics and Astronomy;
(03) Informatics;
(04) technical sciences;
(05) Earth Sciences and Environment;
(06) Life Sciences;
(07) chemistry;
(08) Socio science.

09 March 2015, 11:47 | Новини

Engineering Thermophysics for civil and military purposes

   On his design for industry, housing and communal services and the army told scientists of the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
   One of the primary challenges for the modern economy as a whole (both in Ukraine and in the world) and the energy sector in particular is to save energy. Suggest a decision may thermal physics - scientific branch, which combines a number of disciplines that form the theoretical basis and teplotehnolohiy energy industry, housing, and more recently - and the army. This is the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (Institute of Engineering Thermophysics) NAS Ukraine told the program "Science: Historical and Archeological 'UTR channel.

04 March 2015, 10:55 | Новини

Gennadiy Zubko discussed with the Director of the Energy Community Secretariat Janez Kopacz cooperation on energy efficiency

   Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities of Ukraine Gennadiy Zubko discussed with the Director of the Energy Community Secretariat Janez Kopacz state cooperation in the areas of energy efficiency and renewable energy.
   The sides underlined the importance of the legislation of Ukraine to the EU Directives and requirements of the Energy Community.

03 March 2015 | Анонси

Competition for grants for travel for Ukrainian researchers

The project BILAT - UKR*AINA a contest for grants for travel for Ukrainian researchers who intend to participate in competitions of the "HORYZONT2020."

02 March 2015 | Анонси

Information Day from materials Science

March 11 from 9-30 to 12-00 in the Big Hall of National Academy of Sciences (str. 55 in) will be held Information Day HORIZON-2020 in the direction of "Materials". The report * H2020 Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies Work Programme for 2015-and further * Presentation of the European Commission.


28 February 2015, 11:45 | Новини

The Japanese have created a clock capable of showing the exact time of over 16 billion. year

Japanese scientists have produced high-precision atomic clock capable of accurately show the time for 16 billion. Years. Accuracy progress over the period of just one second, according Galnet citing TASS.
   At the heart of the new device, which is engaged in the development team from the University of Tokyo, led by Professor Katori Hidetosi, is the matrix of strontium atoms cooled enclosed in an optical lattice composed of laser beams. Temperature strontium atoms is minus 180 degrees Celsius and size measurement of time intervals is the frequency of light absorbed by the particles of the chemical element. New technologies have allowed to achieve incredible accuracy and exceed this indicator is being applied "reference" atomic clock over 1 thousand times.


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