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NAS of Ukraine signed a cooperation agreement with the State Space Agency of Ukraine

26 February 2015

   February 25, 2015 during a regular meeting of the NAS of Ukraine signed an agreement on cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency (DKA) Ukraine to further deepen cooperation in research and use of outer space.
   The corresponding document was signed by President of NAS of Ukraine Borys Paton and head DKA Ukraine Oleg Uruskyi.
   In his opening remarks, Academician Boris Paton said that over the years the institution of NAS of Ukraine cooperate with enterprises DKA Ukraine in the interest of public performance space programs, international projects and work on the development of national missile and space capabilities.
   In particular, experts Academy involved with the National Target Scientific and Technical Space Program for 2013-2017 years. The target and execute a comprehensive program of NAS of Ukraine on space research for 2012-2016.
   Individual attention, scientific and creative relationships scientists of the NAS of Ukraine with such companies as DKA Ukraine DP "CB" South "them. M.K.Yanhelya SE "Zavod Arsenal" State enterprise "CDO" Arsenal ". The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine jointly coordinate the two institutions dual subordination - Institute of Engineering Mechanics (c. Dnepropetrovsk) and the Institute for Space Research (m. Kyiv).
   In addition, scientists NAS of Ukraine together with the space industry experts carried out a number of projects under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development and application of research and innovation Horizon 2020.
However, according to the president of NAS of Ukraine, current conditions require increased cooperation and academic institutions DKA Ukraine to meet the needs of the economy and, above all, the defense and security of Ukraine. For this purpose the introduction, since 2015, targeted research programs of NAS of Ukraine "Research and development on the problems of increasing defense and national security," which will include work in the interest of space industry, as well as cooperation on specific projects, space and defense issues with SE KB "South" SE "Plant Arsenal" and NGO "Pavlograd Chemical Plant".
   During 2014 a new draft cooperation agreement was worked out by specialists of NAS of Ukraine and Ukraine DKA. This agreement provides for cooperation in the field of space technology and promising technology, joint planning and implementation of space research, the development of ground space infrastructure and geographic information systems based on the use of modern satellite data.
   Materials published: Press office NAS of Ukraine

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