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PNU Vasyl Stefanik and Rzeszow University (Poland) signed a cooperation agreement

24 February 2015, 11:56

    February 24, in the framework of the Agreement on scientific and cultural cooperation Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanik an official working visit was attended by representatives of the University of Rzeszow (Poland) - Vice-Rector Wojciech overthrow and deputy dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Wojciech Bayorek Paul Krul.
   As part of the visit met rector Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanik Igor Tsependa with Polish colleagues. The event was also attended by Vice-educational and international cooperation Vasily Marchuk, Vice-pedagogical Sergey Sharyn, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Nicholas Soya, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy Igor Goian, Transnistria, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Vladimir Pylypiv, Head Department of Theory and methods of physical culture and sports Bogdan Mytskan, employees of the University.
   During the meeting the university rector and vice-rector Igor Tsependa Rzeszow University Wojciech overthrow signed a protocol on further cooperation between higher education institutions to implement double degree programs for educational qualification of "Master" for different specialties, including "Mathematics", "Physics" "philosophy", "physical education".
   Also, both sides noted the effectiveness of joint agreement, signed between universities in 2014 and has expressed interest in establishing joint projects with student exchange, scientific conferences, and more.
   According to the press service of CGP Vasyl Stefanik

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