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System services

Coordinator Ukrainian integrated system of technology transfer (UISTT) provides customers with services designed to search for Ukrainian and foreign partners in the field of technology transfer, as well as assistance in establishing technological cooperation between interested parties (buyer and seller of technology), including:

• Assist in the formulation of technology offers and requests (TO / TR);

• conducting technology audit - checking proposals and requests for technical soundness and readiness for transfer;

• placing profiles of technological demands and proposals NTTU network;

• information about the new TO / TR, meet customer needs;

• identification of potential partners and facilitate direct contacts and negotiations on technology cooperation;

• providing technological services broker;

• information and advisory support to clients regarding the participation in the EU Framework Programme (primarily - FP7) and help in finding a partner;

•  Information about the contests and programs that provide financial support to projects of technology commercialization and consulting support to participation in such competitions and programs;

• promote TO / TR customers at various events in the search for partners (trade fairs, exhibitions, brokerage events, etc.).

• оther services (technology audit, marketing, consulting services in the sphere of protection of intellectual property, scientific and technical expertise, etc.).

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