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Ukrainian Youth Forum "Role of young scientists in agricultural research: UKRAINE AND WORLD"

24 February 2015

   February 20, 2015 at the National Agricultural Library science NAAS (NNSHB NAAS) All-Ukrainian Youth Forum "Role of young scientists in agricultural research: UKRAINE AND WORLD"
   He opened the Ukrainian Youth Forum Director NNSHB NAAS, Corresponding Member of NAAS Verhunov VA In his speech he highlighted current issues, which are addressing progressive young scientists.
   Welcoming remarks made by management NAAS chief scientific and organizational management, PhD Minka AP, which outlined the priorities of scientific research of young scientists on the basis of the Strategy of Sustainable Development "Ukraine 2020" Framework Programme and scientific-technical cooperation of the EU " Horizon 2020 ".
    The main issues that were discussed at the forum, devoted to the achievements and developments in the field of agriculture, the role of young scientists in the EU and in Ukraine, development of cooperation between Ukraine and international research institutions and support the development of young science.
    With speakers were:
Grishchenko TR - Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists NAAS, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow sector Science of Science National Science Agricultural Library NAAS.
Topic "Ways of formation of a scientific culture and image of a young scientist in the Ukraine"
Hodzhayan AR - Post-graduate Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Master of "International Economic Relations" London School of Business and Finance.
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Drone AM - public activist and coordinator to work with innovators and the scientific community in NGO «Greencubator».
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Nepomnyashchii EV - Junior Research Fellow at the Institute of Plant named after V. NAAS St. George, a member of the "Young people will change Ukraine 'of Bogdan Hawrylyshyn and Kyiv International Energy Club« Q-club ».
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