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22 April 2015, 11:42


   Recently Kremenchuk University hosted the Second Scientific Conference «IT-Perspective".
   It was organized by the Department of Information and Control Systems Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering (FEKI) International company Altexsoft. Her conduct all comers reported online by offering pre-register. Like last year information was big enough impact. The event brought together 200 participants despite the 160 last year. They all expressed interest in IT technologies. Preparing event organizers relied on as professional and novice software development; both teachers and students of IT professions; both technically active people and professionals who have expressed a desire to share their achievements and best practices with peers.

02 April 2015, 12:48

In Zaporizhzhya National University outlines areas of cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service

Director of Information Center of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) in Kyiv Florian Kyuhler visited Zaporizhzhya National University to discuss with the support of the administration of university bilateral exchange of scientists in the framework of the DAAD. He met with the Vice-Rector News Vasylchuk Gennady, head of international relations and of the ZNU Victoria Vertehel and director of the Center of intensive study of foreign languages ​​News Natalia Kostenko.
    Florian Kyuhler noted that the program presented an important support for short scientific training, exchange of experience and establishing relationships with colleagues. Scholarships DAAD offers scientists conduct research and improve their skills in Germany.

12 March 2015, 12:04

Farmers, scientists created the Institute of Foreign advisors

   Presidium of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute creates foreign advisors NAAS Ukraine to attract foreign colleagues experience in the reform of Agricultural Sciences. The first witness counselor president of the Institute of the Academy of Yaroslav Hadzalo handed the head of the "German-Ukrainian Policy Dialogue" at the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting Saas Volker.

24 February 2015, 11:56

PNU Vasyl Stefanik and Rzeszow University (Poland) signed a cooperation agreement

    February 24, in the framework of the Agreement on scientific and cultural cooperation Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanik an official working visit was attended by representatives of the University of Rzeszow (Poland) - Vice-Rector Wojciech overthrow and deputy dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Wojciech Bayorek Paul Krul.
   As part of the visit met rector Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanik Igor Tsependa with Polish colleagues. The event was also attended by Vice-educational and international cooperation Vasily Marchuk, Vice-pedagogical Sergey Sharyn, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Nicholas Soya, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy Igor Goian, Transnistria, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Vladimir Pylypiv, Head Department of Theory and methods of physical culture and sports Bogdan Mytskan, employees of the University.

24 February 2015, 11:53

KNU won a grant for the implementation of another international project

    Supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Western Scientific Center of Ukraine, and more than 20 companies, Khmelnytsky National University received a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland under the "Polish Aid 2015" in conjunction with the Society Integration East Europe to create a specialized laboratory complex Studies of natural minerals.
   The strategic goal of the "Eco-innovation for business. Specialized laboratory studies of complex natural minerals "is to strengthen the market position of Ukrainian enterprises through the implementation of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies of mineral sorbents for wastewater treatment and rehabilitation of natural resources.

20 February 2015, 12:54

In KhNUE held a videoconference "epistemological positioning researcher"

   February 19, 2015 at the Center for university success of Kharkiv National University of Economics held a videoconference "epistemological positioning researcher" in developing international cooperation with Francophone Institute of Administration and Management (IFAG) University Agency of La Francophonie, m. Sofia (Bulgaria).
   The moderators of the scientific coordinator of the event Francophonie in KhNUE them. S. Kuznets k.n.d.u. M. Kolesnik, Maria Niculescu, Director IFAG and Anatoly Halabov, Professor of Sociology of New Bulgarian University.

17 February 2015, 13:01

Scientists USPU took part in the discussion of strategic directions of environmental policy Ukraine

   The delegation of environmentalists Uman State Pedagogical University Paul Tychyna headed by the Chairman of Uman District branch of the International Association of Universities ecologists Professor Svetlana Sovgira took part in the General Meeting of the International Association of Universities and environmentalists International Environment Forum "Environmental policy: between crises and reforms" which took place last week in m. Kyiv.
   Organized by the International Association of Universities environmentalists, National Pedagogical University named after MP Dragomanova Institute of Ecology and Economics and Law.


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