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30 September 2019, 17:28 | Новини

Messages on dissertation defense became free

From September 25, 2019, the announcement of theses for defense of the thesis became free of charge. The corresponding decision was made by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

18 September 2019, 11:38 | Новини

EUREKA Info Day webinar

On September 19, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, with the participation of the secretariat of the EUREKA International Eurasian Innovative Scientific and Technical Innovation Program, is hosting the EUREKA Info Day webinar.

07 June 2019, 13:27 | Новини

State in the smartphone

   The next week is scheduled for the first expert discussion of the draft concept of "State in the smartphone" / This was advised by the President of Ukraine Mikhail Fedorov.
   "As part of the concept development, we held the first meeting with representatives of the Estonian Academy of Electronic Governance, one of the key areas of which is the digital transformation of public administration. Today, the Academy is the global consulting center that provided expert or project assistance to over 50 countries of the world" , - said Fedorov.

07 June 2019, 10:18 | Новини

Symposium on scientific and technical cooperation and exchange of specialists between Shandong Province and Kyiv

    Тhe State Enterprise "Center for Scientific and Technical Information and Promotion of Innovation Development of Ukraine" received a proposal from a Chinese partner on the holding of the Symposium on Scientific and Technical Cooperation and the Exchange of Specialists between Shandong Province and the City of Kyiv.
   The symposium will be held at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" on June 25, 2019 from 10.30 to 12.30.

06 June 2019, 23:03 | Новини

An online calculator has been launched on the net, which counts the plastic used by man

    The new online calculator is designed to help inform how much plastic people use every day.
Omni Calculator helps determine the amount of consumed plastic items in the kitchen (food film and plastic bags), toiletries (cotton wands and toothbrushes), as well as disposable containers and straws.

06 June 2019 | Анонси

Competition for the Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the development and introduction of innovative technologies

    On June 1, 2019, a competition was announced for the annual Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Award for the development and implementation of innovative technologies in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from August 1, 2012, No. 701.

06 June 2019, 21:02 | Новини

The lightest armor for tanks

    At the moment, heavy steel armor is used for covering military equipment, which, although it provides good protection, significantly reduces the maneuverability of the vehicles. A group of scientists from the University of North Carolina has been dealing with this problem for several years now - several years ago it developed the CMF composite metal foam, which provides the same level of protection but weighs half as much. Recently, researchers have improved armor, slightly changing its structure.
    The secret of strength and lightness of the above armor lies in the structure of the metal plate, which is full of air pockets. The researchers found that by adding armor with several layers of other materials, they can achieve an even greater level of protection. So, having covered the front panel with ceramics, placing CMF metal foam behind it and closing the back part with an aluminum plate, the group created armor against bullets of the 50th caliber and armor-piercing projectiles.


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