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Astrophysics determine the origin of the magnetic field on the solar surface

26 February 2015, 11:35

   A significant part of the physical phenomena on our star depends on its covering magnetic field cycle of activity in eleven years, spots and storms on the sun, and others. New research scientists forced to look at the phenomena associated with active star zones in a new way. Now pay attention to other scientists component of the magnetic field of the Sun called "magnetic network". It covers the entire surface by passing the magnetic flux is more powerful than all put together the core.
   Involved in this research, scientists from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia also revealed that the feed network source. It turned out that the contours of the network and "supergranules" - structures associated with the flow of hot gas, are the same. The diameter of these structures formed like a rising air bubbles during boiling liquid gas reaches 20 thousand. Kilometers.
   Inside supergranules are structures called intranet, which are small magnetic elements moving in the direction of the external borders of supergranules and interacting with the magnetic network.
   Team Leader IAA Milan GOSIC
   A study of almost unknown at the moment structures is of great interest to science. However, the researchers were able to go ahead and calculate their impact on solar magnetic field. The result was an amazing picture: the magnetic flux, which for fourteen hours pass these small elements, equivalent to the total magnetic flux of the solar magnetic network.
Given that the borders reaches only 40% of it, it is clear that during the day the intranet can completely fill the lines of magnetic flux induction network.

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