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26 February 2015

NAS of Ukraine signed a cooperation agreement with the State Space Agency of Ukraine

   February 25, 2015 during a regular meeting of the NAS of Ukraine signed an agreement on cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency (DKA) Ukraine to further deepen cooperation in research and use of outer space.
    The corresponding document was signed by President of NAS of Ukraine Borys Paton and head DKA Ukraine Oleg Uruskyi.

24 February 2015

Ukrainian Youth Forum "Role of young scientists in agricultural research: UKRAINE AND WORLD"

   February 20, 2015 at the National Agricultural Library science NAAS (NNSHB NAAS) All-Ukrainian Youth Forum "Role of young scientists in agricultural research: UKRAINE AND WORLD"
    He opened the Ukrainian Youth Forum Director NNSHB NAAS, Corresponding Member of NAAS Verhunov VA In his speech he highlighted current issues, which are addressing progressive young scientists.

20 February 2015

ScienceLogic announced the Company of Attraction 43 million. dollars

   Company ScienceLogic, which supplies software to monitor the operating status of applications within the IT-infrasturktury attracted fresh investments worth 43 million dollars. The lead investor in the round made fund Goldman Sachs, also participated in the round NEA and Intel Capital.
   Fresh capital ScienceLogic direct marketing and sales promotion to new markets and developing new products.
ScienceLogic software company started to work in 2003. The headquarters is located in Reston ScienceLogic, Virginia. ScienceLogic - one of the fastest growing companies in the network communications - provides hardware-based solutions to support the IT infrastructure of large companies. Customer ScienceLogic includes AT & T, Cisco, Comcast, Equinix, Kellogg and SAP.
   The company announced the completion of the last round of venture volume of 15 million. Dollars in 2012.

14 February 2015

The second working meeting of the project Danube-INCO.NET

European research and innovation initiatives, ways of involving stakeholders in the program "Horizon 2020" with a special focus on small and medium enterprises in the Danube Region
    The second working meeting of the working direction 2.3 "Innovation Union and European Research Area in the Danube Region" project Danube-INCO.NET
    April 22-23, 2015,  Odessa, Institute of market, economic and environmental problems of Sciences of Ukraine
    Project Danube-INCO.NET ( operating since January 2014. It is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and the EU aimed at supporting the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) in research and innovation (R & I). While EUSDR when considering the wide range of priorities, Danube-INCO.NET focuses mainly on two of them: "knowledge society" and "competitiveness of the region." To support a political dialogue, creating scientific networks, analyzing and supporting R & I activities.

04 February 2015

Ukraine and Japan is considering the introduction of Japanese technology to Ukrainian TPPs in order to increase their efficiency

    In the Tuesday, February 3, 2015, held the Ukrainian-Japanese Seminar on Energy Security in 2015 - on the way to high-performance technologies of coal power generation.
    Participation in the event was the First Deputy Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine Yuriy Zyukov.
Welcoming speeches to the conference participants Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Shiґeki Ivaya, First Deputy Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine Yuriy Zyukov, Ambassador of Japan in Ukraine Shiґeki amount.
    Yuri Zyukov said: "We appreciate the efforts of the Japanese side to implement measures to improve the efficiency of existing coal-fired power plants, which together produce more than 40% of the country's electricity, through their reconstruction and modernization." He also stressed that further action in the energy sector should be aimed at improving the level of efficiency of power plants, will contribute to both national security and reduce harmful emissions.

01 December 2014

Club meetings mentors

December 3, 2014 at the House of Scientists of NAS of Ukraine (address: ul. Vladimir, 45 a), in the framework of the Club of young scientists and innovators at 18.30 (White Room), a meeting of the Club mentors.

21 November 2014

On the round table "Growing and processing of soybeans: Problems and Prospects for Development"

November 21, 2014 in the auditorium of the Institute of Plant Protection NAAS round table "Growing and processing of soybeans: Problems and Prospects for Development".
     The meeting began NAAS President Hadzalo Yaroslav Mikhailovich.
The round table was attended by leading scientists Academy: academics Baschenko MI, Ivashchenko A.A, A. Babich, Kravchenko V.A.; Corresponding members Kulik M.F, Hero of Ukraine Naidenova V.A


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