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Club meetings mentors

01 December 2014

    December 3, 2014 at the House of Scientists of NAS of Ukraine (address: ul. Vladimir, 45 a), in the framework of the Club of young scientists and innovators at 18.30 (White Room), a meeting of the Club mentors.
     Special guest mentor Club - Daniel Tonkopiy serial entrepreneur. Founder and co-founder of 7 projects (, X - Rift,, Chudocard etc.) Mentor and Advisor in 8 projects. Author lecture series serial entrepreneur "Startup in a million." Chief Evangelist Officer Business Incubator Eastlabs. Author of "Tao startup."
     At the previous meeting "without ties":-) listened to the following projects: Baby Planner; POET ON; Foods Story; NEWagro; HOM; Insectalogic.
     At the club meeting will feature several new projects and dismantled key prerequisite for the success of successful presentation for example, one of the most interesting projects.
     The event: presentation of new projects, review of previous performances, discussion on "how? How? To pay attention to your project."
      Club mentors is the only platform, which is designed for communication, idea generation, opportunity for further cooperation among the sponsors, founders of companies, mentors, investors and other experts in their fields (managers, lawyers, marketers, etc.) that can invest your time, knowledge and experience in the idea that you enjoy / or believe in the finished project.
      The event is supported by the NGO "Young scientists of Ukraine", NGO "Association of young scientists and innovators», Ladmira Foundation.

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