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05 June 2019

The best Ukrainian scientists received State Prizes in Science and Technology and the President's Award

    More than 200 best Ukrainian scientists received State Prizes in Science and Technology and the President's Award for Young Scientists in 2018 for advanced research and opening in medicine, astronomy, physics, energy, defense, ecology, agro-industry, and more. The awarding ceremony took place today, on June 5, 2019, in Kyiv with the participation of Minister of Education and Science Lilia Grinevich and President of the National Academy of Sciences Boris Paton.

17 February 2016

Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy - a new member of the UISTT

Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy joined the Ukrainian integrated system for technology transfer in order to consolidate information resources in the technological field and coordination in the field of technology transfer and commercialization of scientific and technological developments. 

27 April 2015

Establishing academic cooperation with the largest higher education institution in Lithuania - Vilnius University

    Note that the Lithuanian colleagues to visit Lviv University was preceded by a visit dean of the law faculty, Professor Andrey Boyko to Vilnius University in December last year. According to Andrei Mikhailovich, Ukrainian and Lithuanian side, which still had only a few cases of cooperation of scientists on a personal level, agreed to establish institutional cooperation.
    The rector of Lviv University, Professor Vladimir Melnik welcomed representatives of Vilnius University Faculty of Law, noting: "We already have cooperation on scientific and educational levels of Lithuania. And for our part, we would appreciate your initiative to strengthen our international relations. We know that your university is the oldest and largest higher education institution in Lithuania and at the same time the most powerful research center. I am sure that your example will be a positive role model for us."

23 April 2015

Lviv Polytechnic invites to scientific Festyny

   On 25 and 28 April 2015, the Polytechnic held scientific Festyny.
   Outdoors will deploy multiple exposure with instruments and laboratory equipment that talk about scientific discoveries and research will interest participants Festyny ​​dialogue with leading scientists of the University, will be an exciting intellectual contests, sports competitions, quizzes, concerts and more.
   Visitors expecting a delicious soup Cossack and many other surprises.

23 April 2015

IV International Scientific Conference "Oil and Gas Energy 2015"

   21-24 April 2015 in Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas is IV International Scientific Conference "Oil and Gas Energy 2015".
   The conference was attended by over 100 representatives of academic and research institutions, oil and gas industry enterprises of Ukraine and EU countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Austria and the United States).
   The conference started on April 21, 2015 Round Table "Oil Dolynschyna: Problems and Prospects", attended by representatives of local authorities, academics IFNTUOG, leaders of the oil and gas business profile Dolynschyny experts.

03 April 2015

Swiss experience to help Ukrainian society

    Dnepropetrovsk National University Oles Gonchar delegation of Swiss Embassy in Ukraine. During the visit he met the Ambassador Extraordinary and respected Swiss Confederation in Ukraine Mr Christian Shonenberhera and his deputy and Political Counselor Mr. Christoph Shpet the rector and students wildebeest.

   With a working visit to Dnipropetrovsk National University delegation of the Swiss Embassy was the second time. This time, the purpose of the visit, Ambassador Extraordinary and respected Swiss Confederation in Ukraine Honchar DNU name was to discuss further cooperation between Dnipropetrovsk University and universities in Switzerland.

10 March 2015

Joint competition NAS of Ukraine and CNRS - PICS-2016-2018

The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NAS of Ukraine) and the National Centre for Scientific Research of France (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) on the basis of their Agreement announce a competition for joint projects PICS 2016 for financial support for basic research in the following areas of expertise :
(01) mathematics;
(02) Physics and Astronomy;
(03) Informatics;
(04) technical sciences;
(05) Earth Sciences and Environment;
(06) Life Sciences;
(07) chemistry;
(08) Socio science.


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