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20 February 2015, 12:26 | Новини

The drug "Ekolan-M" to address the effects of oil pollution of the environment

   Scientists of the Institute of Microbiology and Virology by DK Zabolotnoho NAS of Ukraine developed sorbent oil - drug "Ekolan M".
   Results pollution Environmental chemicals such as oil and oil urge to seek purification ecosystems exposed to harmful effects. To this end, researchers of the Institute of Microbiology and Virology by DK Zabolotnoho NAS Ukraine polibakterialnyy drug developed a new generation of "Ekolan M".
   The specified innovative design has several important advantages over the known and most widely used in Ukraine domestic medications used for environmental clean-up of oil pollution in oil. The product contains a highly active strains naftookysnyh composition of bacteria immobilized on naftopohlynalnomu sorbent, and nutrients. Actinobacteria, which are part of the drug is highly adapted to assimilate hydrocarbons capable of synthesis of surface-active substances that exhibit properties emulhatsiyi that enables them to carry out destruction as rozchynyuvanyh and not rozchynyuvanyh water oil components. An important characteristic of environmental actinobacteria is their ability to degradation of hydrocarbons in the presence of nitrates mikroaerobnyh, providing survival and maintaining high activity naftookysnoyi ecotypes with decreased oxygen contents - such as ground water and bottom sediments.

17 February 2015, 13:56 | Новини

Business and universities: a new stage of cooperation in 2015

   February 17, 2015 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine held a press conference "Business and universities: a new stage of cooperation in 2015", organized by the Center "Corporate Social Responsibility" with the support of MES to present new projects for 2015 on the results of II National Forum "Business and universities."
   The press conference was attended by the First Deputy Minister of Education Ina Sovsun, director of the Center "of CSR" Marina Saprykin, Rector of the University of Boris Grinchenko Viktor Ognevyuk, Director of Technology Policy «Microsoft Ukraine" Michael Shmyelov, training coordinator of the Center "Development of CSR" Olga Yankovska, representatives of the media.

17 February 2015 | Анонси

A new Competition Programme of Action Marie Sklodowska-Curie - RISE

   January 6, 2015 the European Commission published a competition within the framework of Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie "exchange of scientific and innovative personnel» (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE).
    Main features RISE: international and interdisciplinary exchange of personnel in a joint research and innovation; in the exchange of personnel may be involved scientists, administrative and technical staff of the organization. The basic principles of RISE is to exchange innovative knowledge through the exchange of personnel and strengthening partnerships with organizations in EU member states, associated countries and beyond.

17 February 2015, 13:01 | Новини учасників мережі

Scientists USPU took part in the discussion of strategic directions of environmental policy Ukraine

   The delegation of environmentalists Uman State Pedagogical University Paul Tychyna headed by the Chairman of Uman District branch of the International Association of Universities ecologists Professor Svetlana Sovgira took part in the General Meeting of the International Association of Universities and environmentalists International Environment Forum "Environmental policy: between crises and reforms" which took place last week in m. Kyiv.
   Organized by the International Association of Universities environmentalists, National Pedagogical University named after MP Dragomanova Institute of Ecology and Economics and Law.

16 February 2015, 13:34 | Новини

Warmth-recovery devices innovative designs with increased radiation heat transfer component for fuel furnaces

Scientists Gas Institute of NAS of Ukraine developed scientific and technical bases deep heat utilization exhaust gases and fuel consumption aggregates theory recuperative heat exchangers.
    Utilization of heat exhaust gases is an important area of improving fuel efficiency in the medium and high technology furnaces. This saves about 30 - 35% of natural gas - depending on the purpose and process temperature furnace. The process is implemented in a recuperative heat exchanger by heating the coolant - combustion components (primarily air-oxidant), filed with the furnace. The higher the air preheating combustion and process temperature furnace (exhaust gas), the more fuel economy. Researchers of gas NAS of Ukraine, headed by a senior fellow at the Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Boris Semenovich Soroka advanced scientific and technical bases deep heat utilization exhaust gases and fuel consumption aggregates theory recuperative heat exchangers.

15 February 2015 | Анонси

The meeting "Еlite chamber" on "Academic science in Ukraine XXI century .: achieve world-class problems and challenges of reform and elections"

February 25, 2015 at 18 h.
Kyiv City Teacher's House
(st. Vladimir, 57, third floor, large living room, k.308)
regular meeting of the "elite chamber" on the topic:
  "UKRAINE academic science in the XXI century .:
Speakers: Representatives from national and sectoral national
academies, research councils and heads of invited speakers.
At meetings of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yaroslav Yatskiv
Welcome to participate!

14 February 2015 | Події

The second working meeting of the project Danube-INCO.NET

European research and innovation initiatives, ways of involving stakeholders in the program "Horizon 2020" with a special focus on small and medium enterprises in the Danube Region
    The second working meeting of the working direction 2.3 "Innovation Union and European Research Area in the Danube Region" project Danube-INCO.NET
    April 22-23, 2015,  Odessa, Institute of market, economic and environmental problems of Sciences of Ukraine
    Project Danube-INCO.NET ( operating since January 2014. It is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and the EU aimed at supporting the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) in research and innovation (R & I). While EUSDR when considering the wide range of priorities, Danube-INCO.NET focuses mainly on two of them: "knowledge society" and "competitiveness of the region." To support a political dialogue, creating scientific networks, analyzing and supporting R & I activities.


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