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Competition for the target complex multidisciplinary program of scientific research of Ukraine "Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture"

23 February 2015

   Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Scientific Council targeted comprehensive multidisciplinary program of scientific research of Ukraine "Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture," according to p. 8 Resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 11.02.2015 № 22 "On the Results of Special complex interdisciplinary Program for Research of NAS of Ukraine "Fundamentals of molecular and cellular biotechnology" for 2010-2014. "announces a call for research projects targeted comprehensive multidisciplinary program of scientific research of Ukraine" Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture "in 2015- 2019 (hereinafter - the Program).
   The objective is to provide the scientific development of new biotechnologies based on the achievements of modern biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, genetics and physiology, genomics and proteomics, to improve agricultural productivity, pharmaceutical development, microbiological and food industry, biodiversity, health and sustainable use of natural resources and highly personalized medicine.
   Formation of the list of projects to be financed within the program, conducted in accordance with the procedure for formation of topics and monitoring of scientific research in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, approved by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 13.04.2011 № 111.
   The competition is open to research institutes and institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Admitted to the competition projects aimed at implementing the concept of program in accordance with its main components:
1. Study characteristics transcript, proteome, immune, Interact and metabolites in human health and disease for the purposes of personalized medicine and the development of modern methods of prevention and diagnosis of diseases of humans and animals.
2. Design and development of modern methods of cellular metabolic engineering and biotechnology to create superproducer biologically active substances, new forms of plants and microorganisms for medicine and the economy (particularly for cell and tissue engineers).
3. Target-directed search for new or modified biologically active substances, ways and means of their delivery managed to create advanced medicines.
4. Molecular genetic aspects of the study of structural and functional organization of genomes of plants and microorganisms as a fundamental component of molecular biotechnology.
5. Genetic bases of design of improved strains and lines of plant and animal cells for the development of medical and agricultural biotechnology.
   Projects, submit a request for funding in the prescribed form on paper in 2 identical copies, each sealed in a plastic binder with perforation and electronically (with attachment) to the email address: .
   Request filed at 01601 m. Kyiv 30 st. Vladimir, 54, com. 426 (SHBN NOV Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
   Date of request is determined by the date of sending paper forms (by postmark) or request a registration date SHBN NOV Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
   One person may be the head of only one project.
   Projects completed with incorrect results, or untimely submitted for consideration will not be accepted. Scientific Programme Board may invite the participants to combine similar in content projects in a joint project, and change or refine the project.
   Implementing Agencies Project notes promising funding for all years of the project, but the project financing will be determined by the NAS of Ukraine only for the current year.
   Winners of the contest by the decision of the NAS of Ukraine entered into a contract with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and provided the funding for the project.
    Request a project that for a competition not acted upon, not back.
    Deadline for request - to 16-00 March 6, 2015.
    Feed materials directly to SHBN NOV Presidium of NAS of Ukraine (com. 426) is on weekdays from 14-00 to 17-00.
    Contact: Scientific Secretary Program Dudchenko Taras M. Tel. 239-65-08, e-mail:

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