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Seminar on "LED lighting. Problems. Solving. Prospects

23 February 2015

National Foundation for Basic Research continues initiated a series of research seminars on priority topics.
The next seminar is scheduled on "LED lighting. Problems. Solving. Perspectives. "
Speaker: Victor M. Sorokin, Professor, PhD, Institute of Semiconductor Physics. VE Lashkarev NAS of Ukraine.
Issues for consideration and discussion:
- The problem of creating highly efficient LED lighting;
- Efficiency lighting systems;
- Methods and diagnostic tools lighting;
- LED industry development prospects.
The seminar will take place on March 13, 2015 from 10-00 to 12-00, boulevard Shevchenko, 16, r. 312.
We invite scientists, young researchers and students to participate in the workshop. Those interested can register at the link:

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