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The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announces tender for research projects target integrated program of fundamental research of Ukraine "Fundamental problems of new nanomaterials and nanotechnologies" in 2015-2019 years.

23 February 2015

   The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announces tender for research projects target integrated program of fundamental research of Ukraine "Fundamental problems of new nanomaterials and nanotechnologies" in 2015-2019 years.
    Pursuant to the decision of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine from 14.01.2015 №2 and in accordance with the order of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 25.11.2003 № 682 "On approval of the procedure for the formation of complex target programs of scientific research of Ukraine" announced a competition for research on complex target program Fundamental research of Ukraine "Fundamental problems of new nanomaterials and nanotechnologies" in 2015-2019 years.
1. The competition is open to projects, artist and co-which is only institutions of Ukraine.
2. To participate in the competition only projects aimed at implementing the concept of program in accordance with its structure.
3. One person may be the head of only one project. Artist and responsible persons of projects in which they participate, limited to two projects.
4. Project contractor may indicate promising funding for several years, but funding for the project is determined by the client program (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) only for the current year.
5. To participate in the contest performer to March 12, 2015, including a request for the project, which meets the form.
6. A completed request form printed in triplicate submitted together with an electronic version on CD in transparent files held together in a plastic binder with perforations, Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council of the Bespalov Sergey at m. Kyiv, vul. Vladimir, 54, com. 361, tel .: (044) 234-93-02, e-mail:
7. Requests issued in violation of these requirements to participate in the competition are not allowed.
8. Conclusion regarding feasibility, acceptance, association with others or rejection of the submitted projects will be done by the Scientific     Council of the Programme on the basis of expertise. Projects will be evaluated on the basic criteria:
- Relevance of the work;
- The novelty of the idea;
- Compliance with the Program subject;
- Methodological novelty;
- Predicted the possibility of developing new theories, techniques, materials, devices and drugs software;
- Potential implementation;
- List of major scientific publications sponsors for the last 3 years
9. In case of insufficient financing for the implementation of some projects that have been highly valued by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Programme may be transferred to subsequent years.
10. Request submitted to the contest will not be returned.

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