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IV International Scientific Conference "Oil and Gas Energy 2015"

23 April 2015

  21-24 April 2015 in Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas is IV International Scientific Conference "Oil and Gas Energy 2015".
   The conference was attended by over 100 representatives of academic and research institutions, oil and gas industry enterprises of Ukraine and EU countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Austria and the United States).
   The conference started on April 21, 2015 Round Table "Oil Dolynschyna: Problems and Prospects", attended by representatives of local authorities, academics IFNTUOG, leaders of the oil and gas business profile Dolynschyny experts.
   April 22, 2015 there was the main event of the conference - plenary session. Participants included representatives of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast State Administration, managers and specialists of the oil and gas sector ("Naftogaz of Ukraine", JSC "Naftohazvydobuvannya" DTEK, JSC "Ukrtransgaz", JSC "Ukrtransnafta" SE "Naukanaftogaz", LLC "Heosyntez inzhenirinh ") IFNUTNH scientists, professors AGH Academy. S. Staszica (Poland), Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), University of Miskolc (Hungary), Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Technical University of Vienna (Austria), the company «United Oilfield Services» (USA), representatives of NGOs and media.
   Plenary session began welcoming speech Rector of the University, academician Ukraine Yevstahiya Kryzhanivskyi. At the meeting were Head of the Department of Field Petroleum Geophysics, University Professor Aleksandr Petrovsky ("hydrocarbons from shale rocks: Challenges and Solutions"), director of special programs SEC "Psyche", Professor Gennady Ryabtsev ("Problems of Ukraine's energy security and solutions in modern conditions Oil Order "), the Technical University of Kosice Professor Natasha Urbanchikova (" Development of knowledge transfer in science and technology as an example of technological parks in Kosice "), executive director of the Center for Global Studies" Strategy XXI "Andrew Chubyk (" Ukraine's gas sector: how to optimize the functioning of war "), head of gas, gas condensate and oil" Naftogaz Ukraine "Sergey Kasyanchuk (" Prospects for the extraction of hydrocarbons in Ukraine "), the chief engineer of PJSC" Naftohazvydobuvannya "Alex Raptanov and manager DTEK Academy, Program Manager interaction with universities Elena Miroshnichenko ("Oil and Gas Business DTEK prospects for cooperation with IFNTUOG"). The moderator of the plenary session of the Director of Energy Research Institute of Petroleum and Environment IFNTUOG Professor Max Karpash. During the meeting the audience had the opportunity to ask the speakers questions online - Activity page on Facebook.
   A characteristic feature of this year's conference was a series of scientific and technological activities that took place within the framework of university projects funded by the European Union: Seminar on project InnoverEAST (7th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation), Round Table and technology fair for projects HUSKROUA / 101/110 and HUSKROUA / 1101/194 (ENPI Program Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2007-2013). Considerable interest for professional communities were round tables "Pipeline transportation Ukraine: Challenges and Solutions" and "Improving the efficiency of exploration and development of natural gas (for example Semyrenkivskoho Machuhskoho and condensate fields)."
   April 23, 2015 Conference continued in the form of panel sessions that are scheduled over 80 papers on topical issues in the field of petroleum engineering and energy for sustainable development.
   April 24, 2015 planned out meetings on regional companies, which introduced new energy-efficient technologies.
   According IFNTUOG

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