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Establishing academic cooperation with the largest higher education institution in Lithuania - Vilnius University

27 April 2015

   Note that the Lithuanian colleagues to visit Lviv University was preceded by a visit dean of the law faculty, Professor Andrey Boyko to Vilnius University in December last year. According to Andrei Mikhailovich, Ukrainian and Lithuanian side, which still had only a few cases of cooperation of scientists on a personal level, agreed to establish institutional cooperation.
   The rector of Lviv University, Professor Vladimir Melnik welcomed representatives of Vilnius University Faculty of Law, noting: "We already have cooperation on scientific and educational levels of Lithuania. And for our part, we would appreciate your initiative to strengthen our international relations. We know that your university is the oldest and largest higher education institution in Lithuania and at the same time the most powerful research center. I am sure that your example will be a positive role model for us. "
    "It is nice that our personal friendship moved to the faculty level of communication and, I think, that our universities can also not only to sign a formal agreement, but also to establish effective academic cooperation," - said he hoped Dean of the Faculty of Vilnius University Thomas Davulis.
According to Dr. Thomas Davulisa, problems of legal education in Ukraine, and Lithuania are about the same, because "we are moving towards a European dymensiyi, the single European Research Area". Therefore, Ukrainian and Lithuanian experience in this area may be beneficial.
   "In our prospective plans - double master and international scientific programs. Drawing attention to the excessive nationalization of scientific achievements that we require interdisciplinary research and discovery of new areas of scientific development. So we got to strengthen international relations and for setting up various forms of cooperation, "- shared his vision of the future of Ukrainian-Lithuanian cooperation Dean of the Faculty of Vilnius University.
   The parties agreed to work out specific steps of academic cooperation, in particular case of joint research, conferences and forums, publishing joint publications.
    On peculiarities of educational and scientific process at the Faculty of Lviv University gave details Dean, Professor Andrey Boyko focusing of four powerful schools of the study of law in other countries: Centre of German law, the Austrian School of Law, School of American Law Schools and Polish law .
    Andrew M. stood alone on the issue of the introduction of the English master's program, which has so far been on the faculty of only 50% in English. Lithuanian colleagues found great interest English-language master's programs, according to Professor Andrew Boyko, from September this year plans to introduce at the Faculty.
   "The Dean of the Faculty often set ambitious goals and with the collective efforts they have successfully consolidated their reach" - summed Rector and described the practice of the law department SWOT-analysis - the first in Ukraine external independent evaluation of the quality of legal education in Lviv University, aimed at an optimal strategy of the faculty.
   In conclusion, the representatives of Vilnius University once again assured the Ukrainian colleagues in their openness and readiness for large-format cooperation and assistance.
   Add that the Law Faculty of Vilnius University is one of the oldest schools of Lithuania training of lawyers and jurists. This scientific and legal center of Lithuania, which accumulates scientific and educational potential.
   Over the next few days of his stay in Lviv delegation members plan to visit University Scientific Library, Manuscripts which are a national treasure Ukraine.
   According to Ivan Franko Lviv National University

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