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The best Ukrainian scientists received State Prizes in Science and Technology and the President's Award

05 June 2019

    More than 200 best Ukrainian scientists received State Prizes in Science and Technology and the President's Award for Young Scientists in 2018 for advanced research and opening in medicine, astronomy, physics, energy, defense, ecology, agro-industry, and more. The awarding ceremony took place today, on June 5, 2019, in Kyiv with the participation of Minister of Education and Science Lilia Grinevich and President of the National Academy of Sciences Boris Paton.
    15 State Prizes were awarded in the field of science and technology. They were given by 118 researchers. The size of the bonus is 300 thousand hryvnia each.

    The winners of the 40 Presidential Awards were 87 young scientists. Each prize is 40 thousand hryvnia.

    "Every year in this hall we collect the real intellectual potential of Ukraine. I want to thank the laureates, as well as all those who are involved in the fact that the prize has taken place and remains part of the appreciation of the great achievements of our scholars. I sincerely hope you do not stop in your creative scientific research, have a lot of strength, inspiration, health and opportunities to achieve new results ", - said Minister of Education and Science Lilia Grinevich.

    She also briefly focused on the important changes that have been made recently to increase support for scientific research. This is, first of all, an increase in the financing of the work of young scientists, an increase of 2 times the scholarship of the President and the Cabinet for young scientists, the creation of a National Research Fund, the opening of centers for the collective use of scientific equipment, the provision of access to the budget for Scopus and Web of Science to all state universities and scientific institutions .

    It should be noted that this year the State Prize in the field of science and technology has been awarded for the 50 th time - it was founded in 1969.

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