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23 April 2015 | Анонси

Competition іnzhenernih startapіv Vernadsky Challenge

   Vernadsky Challenge - a contest startups in the engineering and design. Teams with the most promising ideas receive investment professional expertise and access to innovative scientific and technical basis Noosphere Ventures equivalent of 1 million.

   The competition was initiated by the Noosphere Ventures and Google Ukraine.

23 April 2015 | Події

Lviv Polytechnic invites to scientific Festyny

   On 25 and 28 April 2015, the Polytechnic held scientific Festyny.
   Outdoors will deploy multiple exposure with instruments and laboratory equipment that talk about scientific discoveries and research will interest participants Festyny ​​dialogue with leading scientists of the University, will be an exciting intellectual contests, sports competitions, quizzes, concerts and more.
   Visitors expecting a delicious soup Cossack and many other surprises.

23 April 2015 | Події

IV International Scientific Conference "Oil and Gas Energy 2015"

   21-24 April 2015 in Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas is IV International Scientific Conference "Oil and Gas Energy 2015".
   The conference was attended by over 100 representatives of academic and research institutions, oil and gas industry enterprises of Ukraine and EU countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Austria and the United States).
   The conference started on April 21, 2015 Round Table "Oil Dolynschyna: Problems and Prospects", attended by representatives of local authorities, academics IFNTUOG, leaders of the oil and gas business profile Dolynschyny experts.

22 April 2015, 12:59 | Новини

Magnetic System for Military Medicine and Disaster Medicine

   Scientists of the Institute of Solid State Physics, Materials Science and Technology National Science Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology" developed magnetic system designed to remove metal items from a living organism.
   The fighting in eastern Ukraine Ukraine NAS forced scientists to adapt their development to the needs of soldiers - members of ATU. According to the World Health Statistics data, including injuries sustained in the fighting, most penetrating wound up. The main ones are hitting balls (23% of cases) and fragments of shells (62% of cases), which is a magnetic metal fragments. Given this, there is an urgent need for tools to work with firearms (including fragmentation) wounds. Devices with the desired properties - magnetic systems based super magnets Nd-Fe-B for use in military medicine and disaster medicine - has been developed by scientists of the Institute of Solid State Physics, Materials Science and Technology National Science Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology" (NSC IFTTMT " KhPTI ").

22 April 2015, 11:42 | Новини учасників мережі


   Recently Kremenchuk University hosted the Second Scientific Conference «IT-Perspective".
   It was organized by the Department of Information and Control Systems Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering (FEKI) International company Altexsoft. Her conduct all comers reported online by offering pre-register. Like last year information was big enough impact. The event brought together 200 participants despite the 160 last year. They all expressed interest in IT technologies. Preparing event organizers relied on as professional and novice software development; both teachers and students of IT professions; both technically active people and professionals who have expressed a desire to share their achievements and best practices with peers.

21 April 2015, 12:48 | Новини

State Agency for e-government launches measures on the Draft Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine« On the National Informatization Program »»

   Mechanisms of the National Program Management Information (hereinafter - NPI) was introduced in 1998 by taking three laws of Ukraine "On the National Informatization Program", "On the Concept of National Informatization Program" and "On the National Informatization Program objectives for 1998-2000" and the whole a number of regulations that govern the formation and implementation of programs and projects of information at different levels of government.
   In Ukraine, as in the world of development of information society and e-government is seen as one of the main policy priorities. Experience leading EU countries shows that reasonable, purposeful, coordinated public policy and management accelerate the development of the information society, information and electronic governance, the successful achievement of the set objectives.

21 April 2015, 11:33 | Новини

Inventions young scientists for the needs of soldiers ATO

   Students of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine reported on its developments in the field of defense and medicine.
   Pupil ninth grade Julia Senyuta from the Ternopil region developed a project bronezahysnoho element for protecting light and heavy machinery. The girl was very strong motivation to work on the invention. "My uncle nine months ago, joined the army as a volunteer, took part in the fighting near Donetsk airport in Ilovaisky was seriously injured - said the girl. - He infantry fighting vehicle driver. " Julia began to think how to protect drivers and crews of light and heavy armor. Proposed inventor armor consists of two "pies". First - layers of rubber, silicone filler translated. Second - layered composite armor. Without disclosing details except to say that this "cake" provides cumulative jet dispersion as if hit with a grenade launcher and kinetic energy if pidkalibernyy whole shell, which is most commonly used in the area of ​​TU.


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