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22 April 2015, 11:42

   Recently Kremenchuk University hosted the Second Scientific Conference «IT-Perspective".
   It was organized by the Department of Information and Control Systems Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering (FEKI) International company Altexsoft. Her conduct all comers reported online by offering pre-register. Like last year information was big enough impact. The event brought together 200 participants despite the 160 last year. They all expressed interest in IT technologies. Preparing event organizers relied on as professional and novice software development; both teachers and students of IT professions; both technically active people and professionals who have expressed a desire to share their achievements and best practices with peers.
   As noted ICS Chair Professor Anatoly P. Oksanich in general organizers asked participants to combine efforts of scientists, researchers, inventors, programmers and businessmen to develop national science and IT industry. So spoke at the conference about most relevant: the market of IT services; current trends, technologies and approaches in programming; overcome difficulties in the implementation of IT - projects; new information technologies; technical aspects of web development; Technology BigDatata NoSQL; Web services and information technology in education.
   Total before students were eight speakers from various Ukrainian IT companies. In turn, the participants had the opportunity to talk to them individually, ask them questions and get satisfactory answers to them.
    In addition, students were invited to the 9-month free courses on development of new technology development, which was initiated by the Department of ICS in conjunction with AltexSoft at the University.
    The very same Department of ICS was established in September 2010. The department is open day and part-time postgraduate specialty 05.13.06 "Information Technology" and 05.27.06 "technology, equipment and production of electronics." The department shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that students not only gained quite fashionable and prestigious creative profession, but were in demand in the labor market.
    According KrNU

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