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28 April 2015, 12:34 | Новини

Scientists develop first liquid nanolaser

   Researchers at Northwestern University have developed the first liquid nanolaser.
   The apparatus is configured in real-time, i.e., scientists can quickly and easily produce various colors beam.
   This laser technology, according to the inventors, is very useful in practical applications, including the "lab on a chip" in medical diagnosis.
To understand this concept, imagine a laser pointer, the color of which can only be changed by changing the liquid inside it. In addition to a color change in real time, the liquid nanolaser has additional advantages over other Nanolasers: simple and inexpensive to manufacture and operates at room temperature.
    Nanoscopic lasers, first demonstrated in 2009, there are now only in research laboratories.

27 April 2015 | Події

Establishing academic cooperation with the largest higher education institution in Lithuania - Vilnius University

    Note that the Lithuanian colleagues to visit Lviv University was preceded by a visit dean of the law faculty, Professor Andrey Boyko to Vilnius University in December last year. According to Andrei Mikhailovich, Ukrainian and Lithuanian side, which still had only a few cases of cooperation of scientists on a personal level, agreed to establish institutional cooperation.
    The rector of Lviv University, Professor Vladimir Melnik welcomed representatives of Vilnius University Faculty of Law, noting: "We already have cooperation on scientific and educational levels of Lithuania. And for our part, we would appreciate your initiative to strengthen our international relations. We know that your university is the oldest and largest higher education institution in Lithuania and at the same time the most powerful research center. I am sure that your example will be a positive role model for us."

27 April 2015, 12:17 | Новини

Norwegians launched a business incubator for young Vinnytsia IT

   Vinnitsa City Council and the International Charitable Foundation "Seed Forum Ukraine" with the support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway signed an agreement establishing the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support "iHUB - Vinnitsa". Business incubator for representatives of IT-sphere Vinnitsa help startups develop their projects.
   "This is a new, innovative thing in the winery, where we will be able to attract active young people, designers, IT shnykiv that they have implemented their ideas and promote some of their future," said Acting Mayor Sergei Morgunov.
   Business incubator at 45 working power, which funded the creation of Norwegians will help future entrepreneurs to launch and promote their own businesses in the IT industry to seek partners abroad in the future and provide jobs for hundreds of people. Designed project for 10 years.

27 April 2015, 12:04 | Новини

Ukraine will join the European certification engineers

   April 23 National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", an international seminar "European certification engineers passport engineer and guarantee the quality of education", organized by the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies of Ukraine NTU "KPI" and the Association of rectors of higher technical educational institutions of Ukraine.
   The workshop brought together representatives of European engineering and educational associations, the government of Ukraine, business and industry leaders of a number of domestic universities and professors and students of NTU "KPI".
   The event was an important step towards European integration Ukrainian technical education.

24 April 2015 | Анонси

Grants for research projects ATLAS (PhD program of the University of Oslo)

   Oslo University announces admission applications from young professionals physicists to participate in research projects of the program ATLAS.
   ATLAS - one of the world's largest experimental facilities for experiments in high-energy physics. It is designed to study collisions of protons with an energy of 14 TeV Large Hadron Collider at CERN (Geneva). Installation is available at a depth of 100m below ground and is designed to solve actual problems of search and study the Higgs boson, supersymmetry, higher dimensions, testing the Standard Model and effects beyond the Standard Model.
   Research Group of the University of Oslo, included in the program ATLAS, is involved in distributed computing, upgrading the ATLAS for the new series of experiments, analysis of data obtained through experiments. The research program is carried out in collaboration with the University of Bergen.

24 April 2015, 11:53 | Новини

Forum "Innovation development - the foundation of a prosperous, thriving community and business" in NTU "KPI"

   April 22 NTU "KPI" passed City Forum "Innovation development - the foundation of a prosperous, thriving communities and businesses."
   In the framework of the Center for Scientific innovation business park "Kyiv Polytechnic" solemn ceremony of signing a Memorandum of Cooperation in the "government-business-Science" between Kyiv City State Administration, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic" and scientific park "Kyiv Polytechnic" .
   Their document was signed by Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko, Rector of NTU "KPI" NAS of Ukraine Mikhail Zgurovsky and CEO of Scientific Park "Kyiv Polytechnic" Yaroslav Kologrivov.

23 April 2015 | Анонси

Brokerage event in France dedicated to biotechnology (Lille)

   10-11 June 2015 Enterprise Europe Network and the French cluster CD2E brokerage event organized within the framework of the annual international exhibition ENVIRONORD and the European Congress on eco-technologies of the future, which will feature the best innovative equipment and technologies related to environmental protection and energy conservation.
  To participate in the brokerage event invited representatives of industry, researchers and developers who are interested in presenting their technologies or search for foreign partners for joint projects.
  All participants will have the opportunity to meet with potential commercial and technological partners, customers, learn about current market trends and innovations, international cooperation.


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