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Competition іnzhenernih startapіv Vernadsky Challenge

23 April 2015

   Vernadsky Challenge - a contest startups in the engineering and design. Teams with the most promising ideas receive investment professional expertise and access to innovative scientific and technical basis Noosphere Ventures equivalent of 1 million.

   The competition was initiated by the Noosphere Ventures and Google Ukraine.

   The focus of interest Vernadsky Challenge:

 - Space Technology;

 - Alternative energy;

 - Agricultural machinery;

 - Medical equipment;

 - Robotics;

 - New materials industry, electronics and others;

 - Exploration projects in effective nature;

 - Gaming platforms, applications for mobile devices;

 - Systems of processing, storage and transmission of large data sets;

 - Complexes and systems for military use;

 - Transportation management system.

   The authors of innovative ideas and projects can apply for the competition until 12 April 2015.


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