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31 January 2017, 16:37 | Новини

Latest SME Instrument results: European Commission to invest €8.8 million in 184 innovative businesses

Відібрані 184 малих і середніх підприємств (МСП) з 28 країн для фінансування малого і середнього бізнесу в останньому турі Horizon 2020.

17 February 2016 | Події

Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy - a new member of the UISTT

Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy joined the Ukrainian integrated system for technology transfer in order to consolidate information resources in the technological field and coordination in the field of technology transfer and commercialization of scientific and technological developments. 

03 February 2016, 12:09 | Новини

Invitation to participate in the 6th International Exhibition Harbin scientific and technological achievements

The State Enterprise "Center of scientific and technical information and to promote innovative development of Ukraine" (SE "Ukrtehinform") and Harbin International Service Center for Technology Transfer in the framework of cooperation agreements carried out the selection of projects of enterprises, research organizations and higher educational institutions of Ukraine to participate in Harbin 6th international exhibition of scientific and technological advances, which will be held in Harbin (China) from 15 to 19 June 2016.

22 September 2015 | Анонси

Information Day "Horizon 2020: the environment, climate, resource efficiency and raw materials"

Information Day will be held on Oct. 5, 2015, at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) (Shevchenko boulevard, 16, Kyiv), with the support of MES and project INCONET EaP (FP7), the research network of international cooperation for the countries of the Eastern Partnership. The program of the event: presentation of the program Horizon 2020: environment, climate, resource efficiency and raw materials, competitions 2016-17, the opportunities for small and medium biznesu.Dlya participation in information activities necessary to complete the registration form and send to the organizers: NIP Ukraine, e- mail:; tel. / fax: +38 044 529 0332 to 26 September 2015.

22 September 2015, 16:45 | Новини

The use of biomass as an energy source

Using biomass as an energy source can lower the EU's external energy dependence and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the challenge is to prove that biomass energy production is technically viable, environmentally sustainable and cost competitive at commercial scales.

EU-funded scientists working on the project BIOBOOST (Biomass based energy intermediates boosting biofuel production) are developing conversion methods to produce bio oil, coal or slurry from biomass. 

22 September 2015, 15:54 | Новини

Pavement without puddles

The company invented Lafarg Tarmac road surface, which passes through a water.
This permeable coating called concrete Topmix Permeable, it is able to pass through it to 4000 liters of water per minute, effectively leaving no puddles.

03 July 2015 | Анонси

Horizon 2020: Projects Work Programme 2016-2017

   As in previous years, but marked as "confidential" work program Horizon 2020 competitions are available for numerous organizations and some are available online.
   In order to have a little more time to develop project ideas, find partners and project development in the framework of the program for 2016 and 2017 you can find the following "Drafts" Work Programme 2016/17 (official opening of new tenders in all thematic areas planned for the month of September 2015)


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