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06 June 2019, 21:02 | Новини

The lightest armor for tanks

    At the moment, heavy steel armor is used for covering military equipment, which, although it provides good protection, significantly reduces the maneuverability of the vehicles. A group of scientists from the University of North Carolina has been dealing with this problem for several years now - several years ago it developed the CMF composite metal foam, which provides the same level of protection but weighs half as much. Recently, researchers have improved armor, slightly changing its structure.
    The secret of strength and lightness of the above armor lies in the structure of the metal plate, which is full of air pockets. The researchers found that by adding armor with several layers of other materials, they can achieve an even greater level of protection. So, having covered the front panel with ceramics, placing CMF metal foam behind it and closing the back part with an aluminum plate, the group created armor against bullets of the 50th caliber and armor-piercing projectiles.

05 June 2019 | Події

The best Ukrainian scientists received State Prizes in Science and Technology and the President's Award

    More than 200 best Ukrainian scientists received State Prizes in Science and Technology and the President's Award for Young Scientists in 2018 for advanced research and opening in medicine, astronomy, physics, energy, defense, ecology, agro-industry, and more. The awarding ceremony took place today, on June 5, 2019, in Kyiv with the participation of Minister of Education and Science Lilia Grinevich and President of the National Academy of Sciences Boris Paton.

30 January 2019, 18:24 | Новини

Final Conference of the RI-LINKS2UA project

Фінальна Конференція проекту RI-LINKS2UA: «Сприяння розвитку досліджень та інновацій в Україні – роль науки в розвитку українських інновацій»  

16 January 2018, 13:08 | Новини

Forum on Energy Conservation, Environmental Protection and New Materials in Yantai

Association of scientific and technological parks, high and new technologies zones "Silk Road" conducts the selection of two Ukrainian experts to participate in the Forum on Energy Conservation, Environmental Protection and New Materials

20 April 2017, 14:51 | Новини

Papers in the journal "Science Problems"

Державне підприємство “Центр науково-технічної інформації та сприяння  інноваційному розвитку України” (ДП "Укртехінформ") видає міжгалузевий науково-практичний журнал "ПРОБЛЕМИ НАУКИ".

20 April 2017, 14:33 | Новини

The first EaP Plus travel-grants contest for scientists from the Eastern Partnership countries was launched

Проект «Мережа міжнародного співробітництва в галузі науки, технологій та інновацій з країнами Східного партнерства» (EaP PLUS - оголосив про перший конкурс тревел-грантів для вчених з країн Східного партнерства.

09 March 2017, 12:48 | Новини

Ukrainian startup Petcube took first place at the Wearable Tech Show

Immediately two Ukrainian teams were marked during the Wearable Tech Show - a major conference devoted to wearable gadgets, smart devices and the topic of IT in general. This year it was held on March 7-8 in London.


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