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Information Day "Horizon 2020: the environment, climate, resource efficiency and raw materials"

22 September 2015

Information Day will be held on Oct. 5, 2015, at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) (Shevchenko boulevard, 16, Kyiv), with the support of MES and project INCONET EaP (FP7), the research network of international cooperation for the countries of the Eastern Partnership. The program of the event: presentation of the program Horizon 2020: environment, climate, resource efficiency and raw materials, competitions 2016-17, the opportunities for small and medium biznesu.Dlya participation in information activities necessary to complete the registration form and send to the organizers: NIP Ukraine, e- mail:; tel. / fax: +38 044 529 0332 to 26 September 2015.

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