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Pavement without puddles

22 September 2015, 15:54

The company invented Lafarg Tarmac road surface, which passes through a water.
This permeable coating called concrete Topmix Permeable, it is able to pass through it to 4000 liters of water per minute, effectively leaving no puddles. And it makes him get expensive property always remain dry surfaces. In addition, according to its creators, this will allow the absorption properties of the asphalt in the hot weather to reduce the temperature of the road, for leaking water may be under him in the drainage canals or membranes, and steaming, it was cooled.
Upper layer coating essentially consists of large pebbles, which allows water to seep inside. Beneath it may be absorbent substrate with drainage channels or a special membrane. Such a coating may be ideal for the construction of roads, where stagnant water and puddles can be hazardous to people and vehicles.
Unfortunately, this unique designed for warm asphalt cities. From severe frosts asphalt breaks and cracks. However, scientists promise in the near future to solve this problem.

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