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Warmth-recovery devices innovative designs with increased radiation heat transfer component for fuel furnaces

16 February 2015, 13:34

    Scientists Gas Institute of NAS of Ukraine developed scientific and technical bases deep heat utilization exhaust gases and fuel consumption aggregates theory recuperative heat exchangers.
    Utilization of heat exhaust gases is an important area of improving fuel efficiency in the medium and high technology furnaces. This saves about 30 - 35% of natural gas - depending on the purpose and process temperature furnace. The process is implemented in a recuperative heat exchanger by heating the coolant - combustion components (primarily air-oxidant), filed with the furnace. The higher the air preheating combustion and process temperature furnace (exhaust gas), the more fuel economy. Researchers of gas NAS of Ukraine, headed by a senior fellow at the Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Boris Semenovich Soroka advanced scientific and technical bases deep heat utilization exhaust gases and fuel consumption aggregates theory recuperative heat exchangers.
    Scientists have proposed new approaches to the creation of improved designs of energy recovery. These approaches make it possible in the first place - to achieve the goal of energy (due to the intensification of heat exchange in the recuperators, providing increased coolant temperature heating) and, secondly - solving operational problems (due to lower temperatures heat transfer surfaces). Reducing fuel consumption while accompanied by lengthening the life of the energy recovery (heating equipment), which is a prerequisite heating furnaces low-calorie technological content of sulfur gases.
    Under the proposed concept was created new designs energy recovery with increased radiation component that by installing secondary heat exchanger channels in various emitters optimal geometry. It uses both the insertion path transparent medium (air) and emitting gases (combustion products, some low-fuel gas). Researchers of NAS of Ukraine gas was developed two main lines of constructive implementation of the concept - remote-circular cylindrical heat recovery (common name - radiation) and tubular (convective) heat recovery, located in the furnace flues.
    1. Remote cylindrical-annular heat recovery LRE (Ukraine patent for invention №103961 «Radiation recuperator" / Forty BS, Sándor P. Vorobyov MV).
    Within the scientific and technological (innovative) project, which received funding on a competitive NAS of Ukraine, in 2014 Gas Institute developed design documentation for a pilot sample LRE heat exchanger for use in furnaces for different purposes - from thermal glass to a wide range of operating temperature (700 - 1600 ° C). LRE design enhances the thermal efficiency of waste heat due to the sharp increase in heat transfer surface per unit volume (mass) system by rational mutual arrangement of channels each of coolants and maximum secondary equipment (adiabatic) emitters channels with radiation opaque coolant - flow of combustion products. In the heat exchanger type LRE organized two-stage scheme of combustion air preheating. LRE recuperators, designed at the Institute of Sciences of Ukraine gas were made in Hungary and were tested for fire stands for heating air-oxidant - natural gas combustion (the company TUKI, m. Miskolc) and mixed by burning coke-furnace gas (the steel plant «ISD DUNAFERR», m. Dunaujvaros). The pilot sample LRE heat exchanger installed and successfully used in industrial environments to kovpakoviy furnace for heat treatment of steel coils in cold rolling mill plant «ISD DUNAFERR».
     The possibility of heating the air to a temperature higher than the 400 ° C exhaust gas temperature of 720 ° C, and the corresponding fuel economy. These figures exceed the characteristics of traditional energy recovery.
Recuperators specified design implemented in the heating furnace engineering companies of Ukraine and Belarus to ensuring efficiency furnaces up to 70%. This is significantly higher than existing furnaces forging and pressing production.
     Developed a series of energy recovery sizes LRE nominal output of 200 - 2500 Nm3 / h.
     2. Tubular heat recovery (PSD) high stability (Ukraine patent for invention number 101 124 "Recuperator" / Forty BS, Sándor P., V. Kudryavtsev, Vorobiev NV). The possibility of providing combustion air temperature of 700 ° C increasing it to 100 - 170 ° C compared with the characteristics of traditional energy recovery with simultaneous reduction of pipe wall temperature is 100 ° C. Thus in addition to the normal unable to tubular recuperators 25% fuel savings ies provide another 10 - 15% savings. However, the lifetime of high-energy recovery increases in 2 - 5 times. In addition, heat recovery RPS can be installed in hostile environments, ensuring their use in ovens, which are heated by low-calorie gases.
     Systematic research in industry and large-scale computerized firing stand proved that the fuel economy, power, hydraulic and hydraulic characteristics of the proposed high-temperature furnaces heat recovery higher than those of existing foreign analogues that have been developed in the US and countries - EU and China. With the introduction of energy recovery RPS or their elements - secondary emitters - in part (20%) furnaces rolling of ferrous metallurgy Ukraine expected effect fuel economy will be more than 95 million. M3 of natural gas per year (including additional savings - about 27.2 million . m3 / year). The use of energy recovery RPS proposed design provides significant economic benefits with little payback implementation of development (4 months). The annual economic impact is thus 798.6 million. UAH. (31.3 mln. USD - as of February 2015), including additional savings from energy recovery RPS design features - 226.4 million. UAH. / Year (about 9 mln. USD a year). On the other hand, using the proposed method and device utilization miscarriage heat furnaces ensures the possibility of replacing natural gas technology (including low-calorie). In this case, the economic effect of replacing natural gas is 51.7 million. US dollars per year.
     In December 2014 RPS type of heat exchanger of in secondary emitters won the nationwide contest "Invention of the Year" in the category "Energy and Energy Efficiency". Honorary diploma and memorable cup was presented to the inventors - Professor BS Soroka, Ph.D. MV Vorobiev, Ph.D. VS Kudryavtsev.
Information from Gas Institute of NAS of Ukraine

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