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Business and universities: a new stage of cooperation in 2015

17 February 2015, 13:56

   February 17, 2015 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine held a press conference "Business and universities: a new stage of cooperation in 2015", organized by the Center "Corporate Social Responsibility" with the support of MES to present new projects for 2015 on the results of II National Forum "Business and universities."
   The press conference was attended by the First Deputy Minister of Education Ina Sovsun, director of the Center "of CSR" Marina Saprykin, Rector of the University of Boris Grinchenko Viktor Ognevyuk, Director of Technology Policy «Microsoft Ukraine" Michael Shmyelov, training coordinator of the Center "Development of CSR" Olga Yankovska, representatives of the media.
   First Deputy Minister Inna Sovsun stressed the importance of developing business cooperation with universities and noted that the new law "On education" laid down rules on mandatory representation of employers in the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
Inna Sovsun stressed that universities need to cooperate more closely with the business community and noted that in developed countries, employers have a direct impact on the formation of the university's curriculum, which, in turn, train specialists to meet the needs of the real job market.
   First Deputy Minister also stressed the importance of cooperation between universities and businesses in research. As noted Inna Sovsun need to restore the area of ​​research, which for a long time did not receive sufficient funding: "We need to change the distribution of funding mechanisms to develop science and basic science, business involving parallel to applied research, in which he might be interested."
During a press conference Olga Yankovska, coordinator of educational programs of the "CSR Development" presented the results of II National Forum "Business and universities." She noted that the results of the Forum 2014 developed recommendations for the Ministry of Education, higher education, business and planned new projects Center "CSR Development" for the current year. They include a project to improve the organizational capacity of employment centers at universities; training program for university rectors on leadership, strategy development, reputation management, innovation, etc; create an online portal "Business and universities: building a career."
   Olga Yankovska also informed participants about the III Forum "Business and universities", scheduled for 22 October 2015, whose purpose will be to draw attention to the role of partnerships between businesses and universities in economic development through the triple helix model (Triple Helix Model).
   Experience in cooperation corporation «Microsoft Ukraine" with local universities presented Shmyelov Michael, Director of Technology Policy «Microsoft Ukraine". "Today the company« Microsoft Ukraine "supports young entrepreneurs, trains teachers, provides the universities in the development of all necessary technological areas for training qualified specialists - said Michael Shmyelov. - Establishing collaboration between business and education - is an important issue today, the solution of which will contribute to the economy, as businesses, following global trends, will be able to adjust the vector training not only in higher education but also in the middle. "
   Video Webcast press conference is available on the Education Portal "Education News".

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