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Competition for grants for travel for Ukrainian researchers

03 March 2015

   The project BILAT - UKR * AINA a contest for grants for travel for Ukrainian researchers who intend to participate in competitions of the "HORYZONT2020."
   Priority areas of competition:
1. New Materials and Technologies (New materials and processing technologies)
2. Information and communication technology (Information and communication technologies)
3. Biotechnology (Biotechnologies)
4. Aeronautics (Aeronautics)
   These four areas are a priority, but grants may be provided on other thematic program "HORYZONT2020" because each submitted proposal will be considered on an individual basis.
   10 grants cover travel expenses Ukrainian scientists to the EU to participate in activities to prepare project proposals (preparatory meetings), which include business meetings and consultations with the leader of the consortium project, which will be submitted to the Open Call program "Horizon".
   The main condition for the contest - the presence of an official invitation from the head of the consortium to Ukrainian scientist (the team) to participate in this project, as well as expert opinion on the possibility of open publication of submissions from institutions - the employer's Ukrainian (a standard format institution).
    Questionnaires grant accepted for travel March 16, 2015

  BILAT - UKR*AINA - Call for Proposals

  Application Form

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