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24 November 2020

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Пропонуємо вам взяти участь у черговому інформаційному заході, організованому Національними контактними пунктами Горизонт 2020 при КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського.

06 June 2019

Competition for the Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the development and introduction of innovative technologies

    On June 1, 2019, a competition was announced for the annual Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Award for the development and implementation of innovative technologies in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from August 1, 2012, No. 701.

22 September 2015

Information Day "Horizon 2020: the environment, climate, resource efficiency and raw materials"

Information Day will be held on Oct. 5, 2015, at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) (Shevchenko boulevard, 16, Kyiv), with the support of MES and project INCONET EaP (FP7), the research network of international cooperation for the countries of the Eastern Partnership. The program of the event: presentation of the program Horizon 2020: environment, climate, resource efficiency and raw materials, competitions 2016-17, the opportunities for small and medium biznesu.Dlya participation in information activities necessary to complete the registration form and send to the organizers: NIP Ukraine, e- mail:; tel. / fax: +38 044 529 0332 to 26 September 2015.

03 July 2015

Horizon 2020: Projects Work Programme 2016-2017

   As in previous years, but marked as "confidential" work program Horizon 2020 competitions are available for numerous organizations and some are available online.
   In order to have a little more time to develop project ideas, find partners and project development in the framework of the program for 2016 and 2017 you can find the following "Drafts" Work Programme 2016/17 (official opening of new tenders in all thematic areas planned for the month of September 2015)

24 April 2015

Grants for research projects ATLAS (PhD program of the University of Oslo)

   Oslo University announces admission applications from young professionals physicists to participate in research projects of the program ATLAS.
   ATLAS - one of the world's largest experimental facilities for experiments in high-energy physics. It is designed to study collisions of protons with an energy of 14 TeV Large Hadron Collider at CERN (Geneva). Installation is available at a depth of 100m below ground and is designed to solve actual problems of search and study the Higgs boson, supersymmetry, higher dimensions, testing the Standard Model and effects beyond the Standard Model.
   Research Group of the University of Oslo, included in the program ATLAS, is involved in distributed computing, upgrading the ATLAS for the new series of experiments, analysis of data obtained through experiments. The research program is carried out in collaboration with the University of Bergen.

23 April 2015

Brokerage event in France dedicated to biotechnology (Lille)

   10-11 June 2015 Enterprise Europe Network and the French cluster CD2E brokerage event organized within the framework of the annual international exhibition ENVIRONORD and the European Congress on eco-technologies of the future, which will feature the best innovative equipment and technologies related to environmental protection and energy conservation.
  To participate in the brokerage event invited representatives of industry, researchers and developers who are interested in presenting their technologies or search for foreign partners for joint projects.
  All participants will have the opportunity to meet with potential commercial and technological partners, customers, learn about current market trends and innovations, international cooperation.

23 April 2015

Competition іnzhenernih startapіv Vernadsky Challenge

   Vernadsky Challenge - a contest startups in the engineering and design. Teams with the most promising ideas receive investment professional expertise and access to innovative scientific and technical basis Noosphere Ventures equivalent of 1 million.

   The competition was initiated by the Noosphere Ventures and Google Ukraine.


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