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20 April 2015

Scientific conference "Radioecology - 2015"

    April 24, 2015 at the Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Sciences NAAS (m. Kyiv, vul. Metrolohichna 12) held scientific conference on "Radioecology - 2015", which - exchange of scientific and theoretical and practical information, summarizing research results and practice on issues of Radiology, Radiological Safety paradigm of modern human life, Radiological education and training.

10 April 2015

A contest of research projects for obtaining grants the President of Ukraine Doctorate

  A contest of research projects for obtaining grants the President of Ukraine Doctorate

   State Fund for Basic Research Grants Competition Announced for obtaining grants the President of Ukraine Doctorate for scientific research.

   Letter NAS of Ukraine calls for №9k / 593-8 on 04/09/2015 p.

   According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 17.06.2009 №446 «On the Regulation of annual grants of the President of Ukraine Doctorate for scientific research" State Fund of Fundamental Research announced in the 2015 competition (F66) Grants doctors for obtaining these grants.

07 April 2015

Forum European Union agricultural academies (UEAA)

   April 21 at 10:00 pm in the conference hall of "Kyiv" (st. Hrushevskoho 26/1), will start the European Union Forum of Agricultural Academies (UEAA).
   The theme of the panel discussion "European agricultural science - policy, legislation, practice lessons for Ukraine."
   The forum will be attended by representatives of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences; French Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research "BIOFORSK"; Lithuanian Academy of Sciences; Agricultural and forestry sciences Romania; Academy of Sciences of Moldova; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry science; Polish Academy of Sciences.
   Telephone for accreditation: + 38 067 218 33 70

06 April 2015

"The contribution of young scientists and specialists in the development of medical science and practice: new perspectives"

May 15, 2015 SI "Institute of Medical Radiology. SP Grigorieva NAMS Ukraine "together with SI" National Therapy Institute. LT Small NAMS Ukraine "will be held annual scientific conference of young scientists with the participation of international experts, which is dedicated to Science Day in Ukraine.

Flagship conference - prevention of non-communicable diseases in various fields of medicine.

03 April 2015

"Innovations in epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases"

  April 17, 2015 in exhibition center "KyivExpoPlaza" in the VI International Medical Forum will be held scientific and practical conference "Innovations in epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases", organized by Mr. SI "Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. LV Gromashevsky NAMS Ukraine. "

03 April 2015

Объявляется конкурс Ф66 научных проектов на получение ежегодных грантов Президента Украины

   Announced F66 research projects for obtaining annual grants of the President of Ukraine, Doctor of Sciences (under 45 years) for scientific research in 2016
   National Foundation for Basic Research (hereinafter - NFBR) according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine on May 16, 2008 № 444 "On additional measures to ensure the development of the scientific field" and the Decree of the President of Ukraine from June 17, May 2009 № 446 "On the Regulation of annual grants President Ukraine Doctorate for scientific research "announces a call for research projects F66 doctors for obtaining these grants.

02 April 2015

We invite you to participate in the International scientific conference "Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials"

We invite you to participate in the International scientific conference "Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials". The event will be held August 26-29, 2015, Lviv. The registration deadline - April 15, 2015.


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