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04 February 2015 | Події

Ukraine and Japan is considering the introduction of Japanese technology to Ukrainian TPPs in order to increase their efficiency

    In the Tuesday, February 3, 2015, held the Ukrainian-Japanese Seminar on Energy Security in 2015 - on the way to high-performance technologies of coal power generation.
    Participation in the event was the First Deputy Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine Yuriy Zyukov.
Welcoming speeches to the conference participants Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Shiґeki Ivaya, First Deputy Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine Yuriy Zyukov, Ambassador of Japan in Ukraine Shiґeki amount.
    Yuri Zyukov said: "We appreciate the efforts of the Japanese side to implement measures to improve the efficiency of existing coal-fired power plants, which together produce more than 40% of the country's electricity, through their reconstruction and modernization." He also stressed that further action in the energy sector should be aimed at improving the level of efficiency of power plants, will contribute to both national security and reduce harmful emissions.

04 February 2015 | Анонси

FRSF: We offer you information about various scholarship programs and mobility programs.

* 1. The "Yevrotalantiv" *
- Allows foreign scientists to be invited to the Commissariat of Atomic and Renewable Energy (SER). * The next competition will be held February 9, 2015. *
* 2. Master "Didactics of languages" *
Francophone University Agency announces the opening of competition to join the Master "Didactic of languages" for 2015-2016 academic year.
* The deadline for submission of documents March 31, 2015. *

03 February 2015 | Анонси

Committee of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology conducts intake works for the annual award of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists 2015

   For outstanding achievements in the field of natural, technical and humanitarian sciences that contribute to the further development of science, social progress and strengthen national science high authority in the world (including research Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine).
   Age of people who apply for the award can not exceed 35 years (March 1 of this year).
   Nomination papers for the award carried out by scientific institutions and organizations in accordance with the "Regulations on the procedure for the nomination, preparation and presentation of papers on the receipt of annual President of Ukraine Prizes for young scientists." Papers submitted for the subordination of labor to the Bureaux of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, boards of ministries and other central executive.

03 February 2015, 11:52 | Новини учасників мережі

In the ZNU discussed the problems and prospects of technology transfer

   Recently Zaporizhzhya National University hosted the International Scientific Conference "Technology transfer: Realities and Prospects". During the event, participants reviewed the research a number of issues relating to legislation in the field of technology transfer, commercialization of scientific research tools, innovative youth entrepreneurship, and agreed to establish a regional industrial technology platform based on Zaporizhzhya National University.

03 February 2015, 11:32 | Новини

Academician knows how to make an effective Ukrainian science

    Reform can be "fast enough, but step by step", I'm sure David Statnikov.
    In order to maintain domestic science, and that it can not develop normally, it is necessary to take some unpopular measures, inform
    In an interview ZN.UA said Vice President of the Center of new technologies, Academician of UAS David Statnikov.
   Firstly, according to the scientist, you need to keep the National Academy of Sciences and its scientific structure, moreover, enhance its role as a strategist and chief scientific research performer. In this case, the Academy should optimize its internal infrastructure to get rid of inefficient, or simply unnecessary institutions, retaining all the most effective and promising.

03 February 2015, 10:52 | Новини

DuPont directs its advanced scientific and technological developments in the development of the electrical/electronics industry, the food industry and the production of fiber

   Over the past year and a half the company DuPont Performance Polymers has improved its portfolio of modern engineering polymers to help customers choose the right materials to address urgent problems in the electrical / electronics industry, the development of products that come into contact with food and fiber production. Today, DuPont announced the worldwide launch of four new advanced materials that allow customers to improve the quality and efficiency of its products through a combination of innovation, science and technology capabilities in the field of materials science, as well as extensive experience in application development.

03 February 2015, 10:27 | Новини

New SCAPE-microscope allows you to quickly and easily take pictures of objects moving freely in the environment

   Scientists from Columbia University Medical Center have designed and manufactured a prototype of a new type of microscope SCAPE (Swept Confocally Aligned Planar Excitation Microscopy), for work that does not require any special training filmed samples. In addition, the new SCAPE-microscope is capable of producing three-dimensional survey of living objects, move freely in the environment, with the shooting speed is 10-100 times the speed shooting with the help of the best examples of laser raster (scanning) microscopes.
   At the core of the microscope SCAPE is modernized technology of optical microscopy-plane. But unlike other devices using similar technology, realized with the help move heavy lens with two lenses, SCAPE-microscope uses light lens with a lens that can cover (scan) all the shooting range at high speed.


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