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In the ZNU discussed the problems and prospects of technology transfer

03 February 2015, 11:52

   Recently Zaporizhzhya National University hosted the International Scientific Conference "Technology transfer: Realities and Prospects". During the event, participants reviewed the research a number of issues relating to legislation in the field of technology transfer, commercialization of scientific research tools, innovative youth entrepreneurship, and agreed to establish a regional industrial technology platform based on Zaporizhzhya National University.
   He opened the international conference vice-rector of Zaporizhzhya National University, Professor Gennady Vasylchuk. He presented the honorary guests and participants of the event was created in December 2013 Center for Technology Transfer ZNU. Gennady focused attention on the key tasks of the unit, namely the introduction of modern commercial and promising scientific, technical and scientific developments ZNU in production and in the social sector through effective use of scientific potential and profit from commercialization of these developments . "It happened so many years that our scientists have worked effectively and efficiently, but, unfortunately, not komertsializuvaly their development. Now this gap must complete and Technology Transfer Centre Zaporizhzhya National ", - concluded the Vice-Rector.
   Has continued the work of the International Conference discussion of the instrument commercialization of R & D. This manager told the National Technology Transfer Network NTTN (m. Kyiv) Tatiana Pokshevnytska. She stressed that coordinates the work of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and more than 60 participants involved in the network.
   Director of the Center for Technology Transfer ZNU Professor Natalia Gourzhiy during the conference made a presentation on technology platforms as an effective tool for innovative programs. In the same context scientist dubbed proposal to create our university-based regional industrial technology platform, to form the composition of its members and working group to partner with business representatives Zaporizhzhya and other cities of Ukraine, foreign companies, public authorities at national and regional levels, training institutions, academics - to search and new forms of cooperation in the framework of this platform.
   The work of scholars and practitioners continued in four sections. Scientists in the reports reviewed the following topics: politics, legislation, methodology and education in the field of technology transfer and intellectual property protection, international technology transfer tools (technology transfer network, social networking, technology platforms, auctions, the EU, innovative youth entrepreneurship, commercialization innovation, systems analysis and decision-making innovation).
   Present at the event discussed many topical issues and nuances of the field of technology transfer: on venture investment funds, technology parks, the role of transnational corporations, health and protection of intellectual property commercialization of new developments in the field of artificial intelligence, the prospects for youth innovative business incubator and marketing innovative solutions - namely neyromarketynhu. Many papers devoted to the study and a similar experience of countries such as Belarus, USA and others.
   The outcome of the International Conference adopted a number of important decisions, most of which concerned the creation of a regional technology platform as part of a public-private partnership. Currently, one of the pressing problems facing the founders, is to appropriate authorities, governments, the scientific community important initiatives scientists Zaporizhzhya National University. From the Center's technology transfer Zaporizhzhya National University is available at:
   According to the Press Center ZNU

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