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In Zaporizhzhya National University outlines areas of cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service

02 April 2015, 12:48

    Director of Information Center of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) in Kyiv Florian Kyuhler visited Zaporizhzhya National University to discuss with the support of the administration of university bilateral exchange of scientists in the framework of the DAAD. He met with the Vice-Rector News Vasylchuk Gennady, head of international relations and of the ZNU Victoria Vertehel and director of the Center of intensive study of foreign languages ​​News Natalia Kostenko.
    Florian Kyuhler noted that the program presented an important support for short scientific training, exchange of experience and establishing relationships with colleagues. Scholarships DAAD offers scientists conduct research and improve their skills in Germany.
    During the visit to the Zaporizhzhya National University head DAAD Information Centre Florian Kyuhler also met with students of the faculty, management and historical. Guest mean students presented a variety of programs that allow you to study or undergo training in Germany. "DAAD membership in the program is not difficult - it is only necessary to apply and pass a language test" - said Florian Kyuhler. During the meeting, students were not only useful information, but also had the opportunity to talk with the guest of honor.
    In addition, the head of information service was guest of honor at a roundtable on "Higher Education in Germany and training opportunities in Germany Ukrainian students", held at the Faculty within the Center of Zaporizhzhya branch of the German Law of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko which operates on the basis of News from December 2014.
    Opening the meeting, Dean of the Faculty of Zaporizhzhya National University Tatiana Kolomoets described the first success of Zaporizhzhya branch of the Center for German law and shared plans for the future of the Centre. Then the roundtable participants discussed in detail the features of higher education, including legal, education in the Federal Republic of Germany, defined characteristics and prospects of academic exchange of students and teachers of Zaporizhzhya National University with universities in Germany.
    Florian Kyuhler, in turn, informed the round table about study opportunities in Germany through the Ukrainian branch of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is for students of the law profile. He also focused on the specifics of the organization and conduct of the competition for scholarships DAAD, support of contacts with German and Ukrainian universities, faculties, said cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Embassy of Germany and other German representative organizations in education (Institute. Goethe TSFA etc.).
    After the roundtable participants agreed on further cooperation News and fund DAAD in carrying out different activities to attract representatives of Zaporizhzhya National University to them an invitation to News prominent German scientists lawyers and legal practitioners. It is important to agreement on internal special form of professional cooperation and in the future - opening in Kiev Counseling Center DAAD.

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