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A contest of research projects for obtaining grants the President of Ukraine Doctorate

10 April 2015

   A contest of research projects for obtaining grants the President of Ukraine Doctorate

   State Fund for Basic Research Grants Competition Announced for obtaining grants the President of Ukraine Doctorate for scientific research.

   Letter NAS of Ukraine calls for №9k / 593-8 on 04/09/2015 p.

   According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 17.06.2009 №446 «On the Regulation of annual grants of the President of Ukraine Doctorate for scientific research" State Fund of Fundamental Research announced in the 2015 competition (F66) Grants doctors for obtaining these grants.

   To participate in the competition Doctors age (at the time of) 45 years. The grant amount is 150 thousand. USD. Grants can be given as to conduct new research, and those that are a continuation of previous works (including those on conduct which grants are provided).

   SFBR accepts requests for grants of the President of Ukraine to September 20, 2015 inclusive at 01601, SMEs, m. Kyiv, Shevchenko Boulevard 16, r. 404-B, tel. General Inquiries: (044) 246-39-29. For more information about the contest conditions please refer to SFBR.

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