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25 June 2012

International competition Imagine Cup 2013 will be held in Russia

В рамках Санкт-Петербурзького економічного форуму пройшло підписання угоди про проведення міжнародного фіналу змагань Imagine Cup 2013 в Санкт-Петербурзі влітку наступного року. За минулі 10 років фінали Imagine Cup проходили в самих різних країнах світу, і ось тепер, вперше в історії змагань, кращі студенти всього світу зберуться в Росії.

07 June 2012

In Chicago will take place 29th International Manufacturing Technology

У період з 10 по 15 вересня 2012 року в Чикаго (виставковий центр "McCormick Place")

проходитеме 29-та Міжнародна виставка виробничих технологій (International Manufacturing

Technology Show 2012, далі -  IMTS 2012).

07 June 2012

Innovation business projects among university students and young scientists of Ukraine

Всеукраїнська громадська організація "Асоціація інноваторів України"

з 20 травня по 30 вересня 2012 року спільно з Національно технічним

університетом України "КПІ" та Науковим парком "Київська політехніка"

організовує конкурс інноваційних бізнес-проектів серед студентів вищих

навчальних закладів та молодих науковців України. 

03 June 2012

International scientific school «Computer simulation of new materials»

The scientific-educational center in nanotechnology of the Moscow state University invites students, postgraduates, young scientists to take part in the work of the International scientific school «Computer simulation of new materials», which will take place from 16 to 21 July 2012 in the Moscow State University named M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state University.

In the framework of the school will be conducted the survey and specialized lectures of the leading domestic and foreign scientists on fundamental framework, methodology, characteristics of the equipment and software necessary for computer simulation of materials. In addition to lectures, there are plans to reports of the leading scientists on the specific results of the work on modelling and poster session for submission to the results of the students of the school.

03 June 2012

International Youth Competition of Scientific Research Works «Student and Science & Technology Progress»

Dear colleagues!

We kindly invite you to participate in International Youth Competition of Scientific Research Works «Student and Science & Technology Progress».

Important dates of Competition: April, 27 – June, 27, 2012.

Competition is organized by Southern Federal University (SFedU), Taganrog Institute of Technology (TIT) and Center of Career Planning and Professional Adaptation of TIT under the aegis of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

To participation in the competition undergraduate, graduate and students, young scientists (researchers, teachers) - the leaders of student’s creative teams are invited.

All participants will receive Certificates. Winners will be awarded with Diplomas and special gifts. Abstracts of scientific research works (on the recommendation of the qualifying competition commissions) will be published in the form of Competition Proceedings.

We are looking forward to see you among the participants!

Sincerely yours, Organizing Committee

Coordinator - Professor, Dr. Irina Starchenko


Competition site:

Information letter ( eng)

03 June 2012

The Cup of Technovation

«The Cup of Technovation» - is an international contest of students ' innovative technological projects, in which participate the students, post-graduate students and recent graduates of the higher educational institutions of Russia and the near abroad. Every year it gathers the best projects from all over Russia and the near abroad and provide them with comprehensive services, offering many opportunities for development. The contest is organized by the Moscow physical-technical Institute since 2007 and 2012 will be held for the eighth time.

14 May 2012

In Ufa, young scientists are going to the Volga Federal District

Черговий форум молодих вчених Приволзького федерального округу
пройде 17-18 травня на базі провідного інженерно-технічного
вузу ПФО - Уфімського державного нафтового технічного університету.
Тема для обговорення: «Удосконалення сфери науки та освіти в Росії:
проблеми, пріоритети та перспективи ».


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