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01 February 2015, 13:36 | Новини

New features in collaboration with CNRS

   January 29, 2015 at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine headed by Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Maxim Strikha the meeting, which was attended by Deputy Director of International Cooperation CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research of France) Francesca Hrassiya and representatives of the Embassy of France in Ukraine .
   The sides reviewed the current state of cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Foundation for Basic Research and Ukrainian research institutions CNRS, discussed existing arrangements between institutions and discussed options for enhanced cooperation in the future.

01 February 2015 | Анонси

Commissariat for Atomic and Renewable Energy of France announces in the "Yevrotalanty"

    "Yevrotalanty» or «Enhanced Eurotalents» is an international program mobility of PhD students funded jointly by the European Commission and the Commissariat nuclear and renewable energies French Republic (SER).
    «Enhanced Eurotalents» is a real opportunity for local scientists to gain international experience. The main goal is to provide opportunities for professional and career researchers, help with the definition of plans and objectives for future research. «Enhanced Eurotalents» enables domestic doctoral work on developing their own projects at the CEA laboratories for 1-3 years.

02 January 2015 | Анонси

Filing the inquiry the program "Science for Peace and Security"

    As part of deepening cooperation with NATO program "Science for Peace and Security" (NZMB) and in terms of the need to strengthen Ukraine's capabilities in the defense and security sector in view of the continuing aggression by the Russian Federation NATO International Staff changed the format of the grant application for implementation of long-term projects under this program.

08 December 2014, 15:25 | Новини

In Zaporizhzhya National University will create their own business incubator

      Last week at the Faculty of Economics News held a roundtable on "Business Incubators - preconditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses." Participating in the event were students of all courses, masters, teachers of the faculty, and guests News - General Director of the Regional Fund for Entrepreneurship Support in Zaporizhia Oblast Vladimir Stepanenko, Academy of Sciences of Social Technologies and Local Government Jeanne Malakhov and Head of Small Business Management Academy Elena Starikova.

03 December 2014, 11:55 | Новини

In Kharkov created the drug for aid to the wounded on the battlefield

      Scientists Kharkiv Science and Technology Complex "Institute for Single Crystals" NAS of Ukraine have created a unique drug for anesthesia and disinfecting of wounds on the battlefield.

01 December 2014, 11:31 | Новини

The young inventor from Dnipropetrovsk has developed a draft resource saving

     Following the results of V All-Ukrainian scientific and technological competition for innovative youth projects "Ukraine's Future" 11th grade student of Chemical and Environmental Lyceum Mikhail Lytovchenko won in the category "Environment and resource." Also, four other students were winners of Dnipropetrovsk championship. Science Exhibition held from 18 to 20 November in Kyiv. With the title of the best competed over a hundred researchers from all over Ukraine.

01 December 2014 | Події

Club meetings mentors

December 3, 2014 at the House of Scientists of NAS of Ukraine (address: ul. Vladimir, 45 a), in the framework of the Club of young scientists and innovators at 18.30 (White Room), a meeting of the Club mentors.


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