16 January 2018, 13:08
Association of scientific and technological parks, high and new technologies zones "Silk Road" conducts the selection of two Ukrainian experts to participate in the Forum on Energy Conservation, Environmental Protection and New Materials
20 April 2017, 14:51
Державне підприємство “Центр науково-технічної інформації та сприяння інноваційному розвитку України” (ДП "Укртехінформ") видає міжгалузевий науково-практичний журнал "ПРОБЛЕМИ НАУКИ".
20 April 2017, 14:33
Проект «Мережа міжнародного співробітництва в галузі науки, технологій та інновацій з країнами Східного партнерства» (EaP PLUS - https://www.eap-plus.eu/) оголосив про перший конкурс тревел-грантів для вчених з країн Східного партнерства.
09 March 2017, 12:48
Immediately two Ukrainian teams were marked during the Wearable Tech Show - a major conference devoted to wearable gadgets, smart devices and the topic of IT in general. This year it was held on March 7-8 in London.
31 January 2017, 16:37
Відібрані 184 малих і середніх підприємств (МСП) з 28 країн для фінансування малого і середнього бізнесу в останньому турі Horizon 2020.
03 February 2016, 12:09
The State Enterprise "Center of scientific and technical information and to promote innovative development of Ukraine" (SE "Ukrtehinform") and Harbin International Service Center for Technology Transfer in the framework of cooperation agreements carried out the selection of projects of enterprises, research organizations and higher educational institutions of Ukraine to participate in Harbin 6th international exhibition of scientific and technological advances, which will be held in Harbin (China) from 15 to 19 June 2016.
22 September 2015, 16:45
Using biomass as an energy source can lower the EU's external energy dependence and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the challenge is to prove that biomass energy production is technically viable, environmentally sustainable and cost competitive at commercial scales.
EU-funded scientists working on the project BIOBOOST (Biomass based energy intermediates boosting biofuel production) are developing conversion methods to produce bio oil, coal or slurry from biomass.