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23 February 2015

Seminar on "LED lighting. Problems. Solving. Prospects

National Foundation for Basic Research continues initiated a series of research seminars on priority topics.
The next seminar is scheduled on "LED lighting. Problems. Solving. Perspectives. "
Speaker: Victor M. Sorokin, Professor, PhD, Institute of Semiconductor Physics. VE Lashkarev NAS of Ukraine.

17 February 2015

A new Competition Programme of Action Marie Sklodowska-Curie - RISE

   January 6, 2015 the European Commission published a competition within the framework of Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie "exchange of scientific and innovative personnel» (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE).
    Main features RISE: international and interdisciplinary exchange of personnel in a joint research and innovation; in the exchange of personnel may be involved scientists, administrative and technical staff of the organization. The basic principles of RISE is to exchange innovative knowledge through the exchange of personnel and strengthening partnerships with organizations in EU member states, associated countries and beyond.

15 February 2015

The meeting "Еlite chamber" on "Academic science in Ukraine XXI century .: achieve world-class problems and challenges of reform and elections"

February 25, 2015 at 18 h.
Kyiv City Teacher's House
(st. Vladimir, 57, third floor, large living room, k.308)
regular meeting of the "elite chamber" on the topic:
  "UKRAINE academic science in the XXI century .:
Speakers: Representatives from national and sectoral national
academies, research councils and heads of invited speakers.
At meetings of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yaroslav Yatskiv
Welcome to participate!

13 February 2015

XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current issues and organizational and legal framework for international cooperation in the sphere of high technologies"

XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Current issues and organizational and legal framework for international cooperation in the sphere of high technologies"
distance involved, followed by the publication of conference materials
in a special issue of scientific journal "Problems of Science"
specialized in the field of economic sciences in the list of VAK Ukraine
March 18, 2015 Kiev.
Accepting articles to March 10, 2015

12 February 2015

A week of free online seminars LIFE-MANAGEMENT European Agency of Innovation

   The main themes: effective goal setting, time management rules his own, personal finances and basics of applied psychology.
    As part of the project initiative of the European Agency for Innovation "Your platform success" will be held the week of free online seminars LIFE-MANAGEMENT: effective goal setting, time management rules his own, personal finances and the basics of applied psychology.

04 February 2015

FRSF: We offer you information about various scholarship programs and mobility programs.

* 1. The "Yevrotalantiv" *
- Allows foreign scientists to be invited to the Commissariat of Atomic and Renewable Energy (SER). * The next competition will be held February 9, 2015. *
* 2. Master "Didactics of languages" *
Francophone University Agency announces the opening of competition to join the Master "Didactic of languages" for 2015-2016 academic year.
* The deadline for submission of documents March 31, 2015. *

03 February 2015

Committee of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology conducts intake works for the annual award of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists 2015

   For outstanding achievements in the field of natural, technical and humanitarian sciences that contribute to the further development of science, social progress and strengthen national science high authority in the world (including research Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine).
   Age of people who apply for the award can not exceed 35 years (March 1 of this year).
   Nomination papers for the award carried out by scientific institutions and organizations in accordance with the "Regulations on the procedure for the nomination, preparation and presentation of papers on the receipt of annual President of Ukraine Prizes for young scientists." Papers submitted for the subordination of labor to the Bureaux of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, boards of ministries and other central executive.


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