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By 18/02/2015: Grant requests for funding research and development projects of research institutions of NAS of Ukraine in 2015

02 February 2015

In order to facilitate the implementation of the results of research and development work agencies NAS of Ukraine:
1. Declare Competition Science Project research institutions of NAS of Ukraine (hereinafter - tender) for funding in 2015
2. Competition conducted in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for competitive selection of scientific and technical projects institutions of NAS of Ukraine, approved by the Bureau of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 14.12.2012 №258.
3. Approve Competition Science Project research institutions of NAS of Ukraine in 2015 (attached).
4. Heads of Sections NAS of Ukraine and Academician-Secretary of Science Departments Ukraine to provide:
- Taking requests for funding projects submission deadline 18/02/2015;
- Provisional rating assigned projects compartments NAS Ukraine to 03.02.2015;
- Providing scientific expertise to projects by independent experts 03/13/2015;
- Competitive selection of projects relevant section of the NAS of Ukraine and presentation of selected projects for approval by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to 03/20/2015 within budgeted for the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for 2015
5. Control of execution of this order put on Scientific organizational department of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine.
Competition Science Project NAS institutions in Ukraine in 2015
Given the difficult economic situation and following paragraph 4 Regulations on the procedure of competitive selection of scientific and technical projects institutions of NAS of Ukraine, approved by the Bureau of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine I4.l2.20l2 №258, provide that to the competition in 2015 permitted projects that meet the following research areas:
- Information technologies and resources;
- Economic support scientific and technological development and innovation;
- Machinery and equipment;
- New chemicals, materials, methods of connection and processing;
- Fuel and energy complex and energy saving;
- Rational use of natural resources potential;
- Modern biotechnology for health, pharmacy and agriculture.
Preference is given to important projects that involve solving important problems of certain sectors of the economy.
The competition involves the following mandatory requirements:
1. The project has completed the implementation of competitive development (market products, operating unit, product line, setting up mass production, etc.).
2. The duration of the project up to a year.
3. Mandatory presence partner of the project, specifying its form of participation (financial, services, etc.), time and site-development.
Source of funding projects - the general fund budget, program expenditure classification code 6541030 (application development) (transcript "application development" must be indicated in p.2.4 agreement for scientific and technological project).
Due to the fact that the capital costs are unprotected expenditure items State budget is recommended by their partner in the project.

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