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Review Of Innovative Development Of The Republic Of Belarus

30 May 2012, 10:09

Report, UNITED NATIONS, New York and Geneva, 2011, 204.

In a Review of innovative development are presented the main results of joint consultations held on the initiative of the government. The publication contains recommendations and options for action, aimed at stimulation of innovation activity and increasing the efficiency of the national innovation system.

This work is part of the ongoing series of publications covering some of the results of the implementation of the Subprogramme of UNECE on economic cooperation and integration. The purpose of the said programme are to contribute to the creation of the political, financial and regulatory environment conducive to economic growth and development, based on the use of knowledge, and improve the competitiveness of countries of the UNECE region.

Review of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus opens a new direction of activity of the European Economic Commission of the United Nations and is based on the identification and synthesis of best practices and experiences in the field of innovative development.

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