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06 March 2014, 16:16

VIIІ International Scientific and Practical Conference

"Actual Questions and organizational and legal bases mezhdunarodnogo cooperation in the sphere of high technologies"

09 June 2012, 10:33

Огляд Інноваційного Розвитку Республіки Білорусь

В Огляді інноваційного розвитку представлені основні підсумки спільних консультацій, проведених з ініціативи уряду. Публікація містить рекомендації і можливі варіанти дій, спрямованих на стимулювання інноваційної діяльності та підвищення ефективності національної інноваційної системи.

04 June 2012, 09:46

Is there a clever chances of becoming rich? About the formation of the market of intellectual property

The share of innovative products of Russia in the total volume of sales of industrial products is extremely small - not more than 5%. Why? The experience of transition to innovation economy in the United States, Western Europe, Japan and China shows that the basic condition of this transition is the formation of a market of intellectual property. And as the market is being formed in our country? With this issue of the newspaper applied to the Director of Republican research Institute of intellectual property, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Corporation of intellectual property РНИИИС, the Chairman of the national technical Committee «Intellectual property» (TK-481), doctor of legal Sciences, Professor В.Н.Лопатину.

03 June 2012, 21:32

Why have two wings of angels

In Moscow for the first time in Russia took place one of the most large-scale international events of the market of venture investment early stage - XII annual Congress of the European Association of business-angels and the VII annual awarding of the prize.

The business angels are different from other private investors? The fact that they informed the serial investors. There is even a saying: «One wing of business-angel - this investment, the second - selfless work, which is aimed at «growing» of those who creates innovative system».

In the framework of the First Russian week of business angels in Nizhniy Novgorod there took place a two-day international Symposium on problems of development of small innovative entrepreneurship and venture investments market of the earlier stages.

03 June 2012, 21:16

Creation of innovation: from Expocentre to venture capital funds

A strange feeling arises, when you enter the territory of the Yerevan research Institute of mathematical machines (ЕрНИИММ), better known as the Institute of Мергеляна. Like the girl Alice went through the mirror and was in the looking glass, and so I passed through the checkpoint of the Institute, was like at the turn of two centuries, standing with one foot in the Soviet era, and the other - in the times of the latest technologies. Poluzabroshennye production premises, outlining a semi-circle opposite the Central building of the Institute, lost the feeling of dilapidation in the background nestled in the heart of a modern building with a sparkling mirror surface, creating the illusion of weightlessness design.

14 May 2012, 12:46

From «coercion to innovation» to an active awareness of its vital importance

From «coercion to innovation» to an active awareness of its vital importance - just see the modern trend of the members of the Russian Club of Directors on science and innovations (iR&Dclub), reported on may 4 press-service of RVC.

In the framework of held in Kazan on April 25, 2012 VII Venture fair with participation of the iR&D Club was held the section «R&D in large companies: opportunities for small innovative business», organized by OJSC «Russian venture company» with the participation of the Club of Directors on science and innovations (iR&Dclub).


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