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Feeder jet mill

Індентифікаційний номер: Offers
Опубліковано: 18 September 2012 Кінцева дата: 06 May 2023
Країна: Україна

A design of power system against the current raw jet mill, to decide the balance of dispersed gas flows from its booster oppositely placed tubes and provides efficient use for grinding energy source.

Ключові слова:

Feeder, jet mill, technology, mill, dispersed materials

Опис пропозиції

It is known that when working against the current jet mills is crucial to integrated pulses colliding gas dispersed flows were approximately equal. In this case, the shock interaction flows most effective processes of shock destruction of dispersed particles colliding flows are in the area of ??grinding mill, dispersion component fracture energy is evenly distributed between the two colliding streams in their mutual impact. However, in practice this is rarely achieved uniformity, which has resulted in higher costs of energy resources on the mill.

Solving technical problem of the aforementioned optimal conditions of the mill possible through constructive and operational improvement of feeders.

A two-stage stabilization process raw power mill. The first stage of stabilization: Independence modes mill on the level loading hopper material. The second stage of stabilization: pseudo liquefaction of raw materials and increase the density of the suspension in the flow regardless of the impact of boot options mills. The system supply pressure column is injected to stabilize gravel static pressure new construction unit pseudo liquefaction of raw materials, work that does not depend on the operating conditions of the mill and the level of his boot.

Тип технології


Сфера застосування

Technology disperse systems, mainly in milling machinery - jet against the current mill.

Технічні та економічні переваги

The invention will improve the efficiency of the mill and more efficient use of available energy resources.

Iнноваційні аспекти

Due to the two-stage stabilization process power mill provided the most effective shock interaction flows colliding particles in the grinding mill grinding zone.

Де була представлена технологія

Pilot operation.

Практичний досвід застосування

Pilot operation.

Поточна стадія: Є результати експериментальних досліджень
Статус прав інтелектуальної властності: Know-how
Заявка на патент

Умови співпраці:

Тип організації:

The joint venture, license agreement.

Регіони: Азія
Країни СНД
Південна Америка
Північна Америка
Східна Європа
Центральна Європа
Тип співпраці:

The joint venture, license agreement.

Умови і обмеження:

The joint venture, license agreement.

Підтримка, що надається при передачі технічного проєкту:

Author's supervision.

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