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Inkjet crusher materials.

Індентифікаційний номер: Offers
Опубліковано: 20 September 2012 Кінцева дата: 06 June 2023
Країна: Україна

A device fine and superfine grinding of materials and obtaining dispersed powders, suspensions, aerosols.

Ключові слова:

Inkjet, grinding materials, dispersed systems, energy, mining and minerals processing, chemical, food, pharmacological, industry.

Опис пропозиції

The basis of the invention is to improve the problem of how jet milling of materials by performing optimal sequence of crushing stages, eliminating or reducing the energy losses flow on hydraulic resistance elements tracts, reducing energy losses impact the formation of the mixture. This provides a rigid particle collision material close to the windshield and thus, utilization of energy flows and gas component particles. As a result, it increases the efficiency of grinding.

It is proposed to implement the machine jet milling of materials by performing optimal sequence of grinding in stages: 1) crushing collision of linear flow, 2) grinding in the vortex flow.

Clash of linear dispersion flow in the first stage shredding makes full use kinetic energy of the flow of energy to the acceleration and velocity of particles sufficient for their destruction of the mutual impact of two opposing flows. Choosing the angle between the colliding streams to achieve best use of energy in mutual collision of particles close to the windshield, so that in this case the cosine of the angle between the directions of their movement close to or equal to one. The range of the angle between the vectors of counter flow conditions selected from the distinction of dispersed flow after exiting the nozzle in the grinding chamber.

Department of dispersed gas component flows before their clash ensures rigidity particles hitting against each other and, thus, their effective destruction, and dispose of the residual energy of the gas component flow using it for vortex formation and implementation of the second, vortex stage crushing semi obtained after shock interaction of dispersed material in the line of oncoming flow in the first stage of grinding. Cutting Performance of solid particles in a vortex flow increases with decreasing particle size, as part of the first stage crushed material will effectively crushed the second phase.

Сфера застосування

The device can be used in energy, mining and minerals processing, chemical, food, pharmaceutical and other industries.

Технічні та економічні переваги

Implementation of these stages offers advantages: 1) eliminate or reduce energy losses flow on hydraulic resistance elements tracts, 2) reducing energy losses impact the formation of the mixture.

Significant efficiency grinding hard materials and receiving the finished product for superfine grinding.


Iнноваційні аспекти

Differentiation and hardware stages of grinding in the linear and vertical flows.

Де була представлена технологія

Pilot operation of the plant reinforced concrete structures.

Практичний досвід застосування

Tests in the manufacture of cement. Much dispersion material made of low cost energy provides great savings using cement to achieve the characteristics of concrete made from cement traditional technology.

Поточна стадія: Є результати експериментальних досліджень
Статус прав інтелектуальної властності: Know-how
Заявка на патент

Умови співпраці:

Тип організації:

The joint venture, license agreement.

Регіони: Азія
Країни СНД
Південна Америка
Північна Америка
Східна Європа
Підтримка, що надається при передачі технічного проєкту:

Author's supervision.

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