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Індентифікаційний номер: Offers
Опубліковано: 06 February 2018 Кінцева дата: 06 January 2023
Країна: Україна

The present invention relates to the pharmaceutical industry and medicine and is aimed at differentiated obtaining of lipopeptide, nucleopeptide and phospholipid, containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, compositions from tissues of marine molluscs. These compositions have a high biological activity and can be used as substances of drugs for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, dysfunction of the reproductive system and hormonal abnormalities in humans (male and female infertility associated with menopause). As natural antioxidants, membrane stabilizers and immunomodulators, they are highly effective in normalizing the metabolic disorders and impairments of non-specific immune defense mechanisms.

Ключові слова:

Pharmacy, Drug,

Опис пропозиції

The method of differential extraction was used to isolate compositions of phospholipids with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in their structure and glycolipopeptide complex from tissues of marine molluscs. Glycolipopeptide complex was further separated by column chromatography into individual physiologically active components, namely lipopeptides and nucleopeptides.

Selected physiologically active compositions were standardized by using physicochemical methods.  To characterize these compositions specific reactions were developed. It was demonstrated therapeutic efficacy of obtained compositions.

Тип технології


Сфера застосування

The pharmaceutical industry, medicine

Технічні та економічні переваги

* Innovative aspect of the technology comprises the use of new approaches for processing marine mollusks, which allows differential isolating of individual physiologically active compositions.

* The advantage of the offer is the possibility to provide the obtaining from the raw material of marine mollusks several individual physiologically active compositions with specific therapeutic effects, such as:

- antihypertensive activity (composition of lipopeptides);

- normalization of  hormonal disorders, such as altered testosterone levels associated with aging, in the treatment of infertility and menopause (composition of nucleopeptides);

- the treatment of lung diseases related to the surfactant deficiency (composition of phospholipids with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in their structure).

Iнноваційні аспекти

* Innovative aspect of the technology comprises the use of new approaches for processing marine mollusks, which allows differential isolating of individual physiologically active compositions.

* The advantage of the offer is the possibility to provide the obtaining from the raw material of marine mollusks several individual physiologically active compositions with specific therapeutic effects, such as:

- antihypertensive activity (composition of lipopeptides);

- normalization of  hormonal disorders, such as altered testosterone levels associated with aging, in the treatment of infertility and menopause (composition of nucleopeptides);

- the treatment of lung diseases related to the surfactant deficiency (composition of phospholipids with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in their structure).

Де була представлена технологія


Практичний досвід застосування

In China obtained a patent ZL200810014730.1 CN «A physiologically active lipopeptide complex and its preparation and application» application for primary UA200805004. Patentee - Institute of Biology, Shandon Academy of Sciences of China (the ownership of the Institute of Biology of Shandon Academy of Sciences of China is partially transferred to Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine under the Patent Right Assignment Agreement of 29.04.2011). China's Inventors are Liu Kechun, (CN); Han Liwen, (CN).

Поточна стадія: Впроваджено
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