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Maleolyar screw

Індентифікаційний номер: Offers
Опубліковано: 02 December 2018 Кінцева дата: 02 January 2023
Країна: Україна

Enterprise offers the interferentnyy the compression screw made of biodegradable material and is designed as a rod with a head and threaded parts made of cast magnesium-based alloy for osteosynthesis containing zirconium, neodymium, zinc, silver; with screw rod cylinder is two-thirds the length of the head, the distal portion of the rod is designed as a cone and thread a rounded top.

Ключові слова:

traumatology and orthopedics, osteosynthesis, biorezorbtion.

Опис пропозиції

The basis of the invention supplied screws improvement by using other biodegradable materials for its production and changing the shape of the screw elements that will improve the effectiveness of treatment, namely, increase safety and facilitate the introduction of the screw into the bone canal reduce tissue injury thread. The screw is made of cast magnesium-based alloy for osteosynthesis containing zirconium, neodymium, zinc, silver at a certain ratio of components.

Тип технології


Сфера застосування

Medicine, traumatology and orthopedics, operative treatment, osteosynthesis.

Технічні та економічні переваги

The alloy causes a local antibacterial effect in the implant, thus reducing the risk of inflammatory complications in implant zone entry and increase its strength, ductility. The alloy is non-toxic and carcinogenic, the mechanical properties closer to the structure of the cortical layer of bone. In the process of bone resorption screw channel is fully restored.

Iнноваційні аспекти

The alloy is non-toxic and carcinogenic, the mechanical properties closer to the structure of the cortical layer of bone. In the process of bone resorption screw channel is fully restored.

Де була представлена технологія


Практичний досвід застосування


Поточна стадія: Є результати експериментальних досліджень
Макетний зразок
Статус прав інтелектуальної властності: Заявка на патент

Умови співпраці:

Тип організації:

Active Orthopedics Clinic

Регіони: Країни СНД
Східна Європа
Центральна Європа
Тип співпраці:

Commercial agreement with technical assistance, development and custom manufacturing, manufacturing agreement (subcontracting & joint contract)

Умови і обмеження:

The use during surgical treatment

Підтримка, що надається при передачі технічного проєкту:

Technical assistance

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