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Inhibitor of adrenal function.

Індентифікаційний номер: Offers
Опубліковано: 26 October 2012 Кінцева дата: 26 January 2024
Країна: Україна

Institute to develop and implement injectable drug hlodytan that treats adrenal glands need a strategic partner.

Ключові слова:

Inhibitor, kidney cancer, injection, hlodytan, Cushing disease, tumors, metastases, Surgery, Oncology, adrenaktomiya O-hlorbenzaldehid, substance o, p'-DDD.

Опис пропозиції

SI during the years 1970-2011 is the main executor of development for the treatment of syndrome and Cushing disease, tumors of the adrenal glands and their metastases. An effective surgical approaches to the treatment of these pathologies. Gained extensive experience with drug adrenokortykolitychnoho hlodytans (o, p'-DDD) as an independent method of treatment, and in combination with unilateral and bilateral adrenaktomiya. The Institute was designed synthesis of substance hlodytan. Industrial production of substance has been established at the p / i 702 (Kyiv). Today, this production is not possible because of lack of in-hlorbenzaldehid - initial reagent in the synthesis of o, p'-DDD. Substance o, p'-DDD can be purchased in China, now at the Institute are samples that were analyzed. It is proved that the samples meet the pharmacopoeia for hlodytan.

Pharmaceutical firm "Darnitsa" in 80-90 years of XX century produced hlodytan-pill. This drug was the best inhibitor of steroidogenesis in comparison with mitotans (USA) and lizodrens (France, Italy). Today in Ukraine there are more than 2000 patients with the syndrome and Cushing's disease and more than 5000 patients with cancer of the adrenal glands, the amount of which, unfortunately, is increasing annually. For the treatment required hlodytan. Patients with these illnesses are unable to provide for themselves or mitotans lizodrenom (100 tab. 0.5 grams cost about 800 euros, and the treatment should be 8.6 packages depending on the weight of the patient) and condemned to death. In production hlodytans interested Oncology (Moscow) which ensures its unpaid registration in the Russian Federation.

Currently SI "Institute Endocrinologist and Metabolism them. Komisarenko VP U.S. Ukraine" is creating injectable drug hlodytans to allow input directly to the active substance of the adrenal glands, which will significantly increase its therapeutic effect. In the future, the company could produce and present preparation.


Тип технології


Сфера застосування

Treatment pathologies endocrine systems.

Технічні та економічні переваги

World championships in the market of drugs treating endocrine systems.


Iнноваційні аспекти

Hlodytan - tablets produced in 80-90 years of XX century by "Darnitsa" technology Institute, were the best drug - an inhibitor of steroidogenesis in comparison with mitotans (USA) and lizodrenom (France, Italy).

Injectable form of this drug will be a new step in effective treatment of diseases of the adrenal gland.


Де була представлена технологія

In the market of Ukraine.


Практичний досвід застосування

Industrial production company "Darnitsa" for treatment.

Поточна стадія: Є результати експериментальних досліджень
Статус прав інтелектуальної властності: Know-how

Умови співпраці:

Тип організації:

Financial investments, grants, strategic partnership.

Регіони: Східна Європа
Підтримка, що надається при передачі технічного проєкту:

Cooperation, field support.

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